CA: Legislators continue to drive up the cost of fuels – IOTW Report

CA: Legislators continue to drive up the cost of fuels

We could shut down the entire state that represents only 0.5 percent of the world’s population, close all the airports, get rid of the 35 million vehicles, turn off all the generators, and shoot all the cows, and it would have absolutely no effect whatsoever on the global climate.


The concept of reducing our emissions is correct, but show me some progress!

Cap and trade has been a revenue generator for the state since 2006. It has raised over $7 billion for the state, but after 10 years since AB32 was signed into law in 2006, according to the California Energy Commission, has yet to lower our 1 percent contribution to the world’s greenhouse gases. It has however been very effective in hitting citizens’ pocketbooks to fund a multitude of governmental pet projects.  more

11 Comments on CA: Legislators continue to drive up the cost of fuels

  1. 🔴 If every person put up a windmill on their property so they wouldn’t have to use coal / nuclear powered electricity, THE GOV’T WOULD TAX WINDMILLS!

    🔴 Make a huge net of bike paths and not use gas-powered cars, THE GOV’T WOULD TAX BIKES, put up toll booths.

    🔴 Everyone grew their own vegetables? GARDEN TAX!

    🔴 Use your OWN car to give rides to make money, use less gas? TAX AND REGISTER CARS/OWNER.

    🔴 Use your OWN room in your house to rent out? NOPE! MUST PAY HOTELIER TAX!

    There is not a single efficient thing you can do to save money or use less power where the government won’t swoop in and make it so burdensome that you are better off not doing it. The government is discouraging people from being green, you dumb global warming nuts!

  2. That’s only half the entertainment taking place here in the Golden Shower State. Xavier Becerra, our latest Wet Back AG, has blocked the sale of the last independent refinery in California. The sale was to Valero, and Xavier Becerra doesn’t want California residents being taken advantage of by HIGHER GAS PRICES DO TO A MONOPOLY. I guess that’s Jerry Browns job.

  3. We lived in CA from 2004 to 2012, the most expensive and politically infuriating eight years of our lives. So I have both sympathy and empathy for those good people still remaining in that otherwise benighted state. It’s a real shame: such a spectacularly beautiful state totally screwed by denizens of dirty mismanaged cities.

  4. Uncle Al ,

    And believe it our not there’s an all time housing boom taking place. Wifey and I purchased our first house in Sunnyvale California for 118K. That same house down there now fetches 1 mil plus. Locally in Sacramento things are booming do to Bay Area peeps escaping the high housing prices. I’m trying to time it right. Probably the fall. It’s gotta crash soon.

  5. I’m gonna get a BIG burn on this evening, palm fronds and grass cuttings, she gonna be a smoka!!!

    @Brad, I actually feel sorry for you normal peeps trying to survive that communist shithole. My buddies in Arizona are enjoying their retirement there.

  6. Lived there from 79-81. Had the fortune of getting to know some fantastic people and the state is breathtaking in it’s beauty. Glad that there are people there that refuse to give up but they have a gargantuan struggle.

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