Poll: Nearly half of liberals say friend supporting Trump would hurt friendship – IOTW Report

Poll: Nearly half of liberals say friend supporting Trump would hurt friendship

Just half???

I find that hard to believe.

more here

HT/ illustr8r

16 Comments on Poll: Nearly half of liberals say friend supporting Trump would hurt friendship

  1. Ya know I have several friends of color who in 08 voted once again for the Black Messiah. Some heated arguments, but we remaind pals. I was all set to right them off this time around. They all voted DJT. It’s the Rebel Against the machine thing for them.They get the independence thing. I guess for me too.

  2. Liberal friends? I gravitate toward people that can elevate conversations and those that are interesting. Don’t know a single liberal with those qualifications.

  3. I don’t have any liberal “friends” – just relatives and people I know through my wife and coworkers. I just tolerate them in order to be cordial. I keep my political views to myself and most of them do the same. I refuse to associate with aggressive libtards. It’s easier to walk away than to argue with militant stupidity.

  4. 🔽 A 2nd cousin is a FOAMING-AT-THE-MOUTH liberal. I’ve had to threaten her with civil and police action if she didn’t f*ck off. –yeah, she f*cked off after that, cuz I woulda sued her ass for harassment.

    🔽 Liberal family members are “not close” anymore. Mostly because THEY don’t seem to have an OFF BUTTON. Every liberal spasm that enters their brain needs to be immediately expressed out of their mouth no matter what the situation.

    🔽 Ex: Eating dinner at a nice restaurant, and they start SNOWFLAKING all over the place. “That’s IT! Everybody out, were going home, we can’t take you shitheads anywhere I guess can we?”

  5. It can be a short but hilarious conversation with them. Just throw something into the dialog thats socially verboten and they become more and more animated until they’re screeching. Your laughing compounds their hysteria until EMS arrives and sedates them.

  6. Well, I told two Clinton supporters that they was nuts, they avoid me like the plague. Good, I love giving them my smirky smile. I don’t need any liberals friends, the ones I did have thought they were made of finer clay than me. When they lost, their clay turned to stone, they dried up and got tossed in the pile with the rest of them. I call that winning….and gloating, I never tire of it.

  7. I took one of those National Review cruises in 2014, with some 500 conservatives out of maybe 4000 passengers. Most everyone left their ID lanyards on all the time since we were constantly going in and out of sessions.

    It was heaven going anywhere — lounges, cafeterias, shows, stores — and striking up conversations freely about Obama insanities and conservative politics, without some liberal imposing political correctness and preaching leftie idiocy.

  8. Several members of my team (youngsters, Bernie fans) became politically active this year. They are pulling this crap as well, denouncing Trump and his supporters at work.

    Their judgement and lack of discipline is effecting their ability to get promoted.

  9. We’re doing well. The few libs I have to put up with admit defeat by saying “well, the problem is both sides. Or some republicans do the same thing.” So they’re coming around. And, none of them still have their bumper stickers! They’re all very emotional, none of them are logical. Debating with them is like shooting fish in a barrel.

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