Attack Helicopter? – IOTW Report

Attack Helicopter?

ht/ brown-eyed girl

25 Comments on Attack Helicopter?

  1. @Claudia, “Epicene” is simple enough in this context. The OED says:

    One who partakes of the characteristics of both sexes.

    The primary grammatical definition is:

    Gram. In Lat. and Gr. grammar, said of nouns which, without changing their grammatical gender, may denote either sex. Hence (improperly) epicene gender. In Eng. grammar the term has no proper application, but is loosely used as a synonym of common.

    So we can see where the deviant behavior meaning comes from.

  2. This is a good time to mention that I’m really an adopted African Albanian albino bilateral below the knee amputee red headed lesbian dwarf with options on a gender and ethnicity to be named later.

  3. All this mental order gymnastics to say that if you’re not getting laid it’s not because you’re unattractive to the opposite sex, you’re just targeting the wrong audience? Is that what this is about?

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