Dems and Repubs Manage To Pass Legislation Because of Trump/Russia Fantasy – IOTW Report

Dems and Repubs Manage To Pass Legislation Because of Trump/Russia Fantasy

Newser–  It turns out Democrats and Republicans can work together to get legislation done. Reuters reports representatives on both sides of the aisle have agreed on legislation that allows for new sanctions against Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The legislation also makes it harder for President Trump to single-handedly relax or end sanctions on Russia, requiring congressional approval to do so, according to USA Today. The House and Senate, which approved an earlier version of the bipartisan legislation last month, still need to vote on it. Then it will head to Trump for approval. “Given the many transgressions of Russia, and President Trump’s seeming inability to deal with them, a strong sanctions bill such as the one Democrats and Republicans have just agreed to is essential,” Sen. Chuck Schumer says.

8 Comments on Dems and Repubs Manage To Pass Legislation Because of Trump/Russia Fantasy

  1. Oh so important, now, but where were their ‘concerns’ when obama was making rotten deals and stepping all over sanctions, especially with Iran, where I suspect a lot of obama’s launder funds lay.

  2. “Given the many transgressions of Russia, and President Trump’s seeming inability to deal with them…”

    Versus Barky’s ACTUAL inability to deal with them. All is not as it seems, Chuck. Especially where your detestable, hated Gaslight Congress is concerned. You are only fooling the fools, and they are still a minority, thank God.

  3. The leadership of the GOP NEVER INTENDED to repeal Obamacare. Let the Tea, Federalist, Conservative, and Constitution parties form a coalition to replace the GOP, the same way the GOP replaced the Whig Party over its failure to abolish slavery.

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