If the Dems Are Worried About Russia Undermining American Politics, Why Do They Believe What the Russian Ambassador Has To Say? – IOTW Report

If the Dems Are Worried About Russia Undermining American Politics, Why Do They Believe What the Russian Ambassador Has To Say?

If the Russians want to screw with the United States, just like the dems believe, why wouldn’t something a Russian ambassador says, a statement that could damage our system, be looked upon as meddling?

Why just unquestioningly believe what a potential interferer, with malice, says?

Well, because truth finding is not on the dem agenda. Torpedoing the right by any means necessary is what it’s all about.


Jeff Sessions has insisted his meetings with the Russian ambassador during the 2016 presidential campaign had nothing to do with the campaign—but the ambassador is saying otherwise. Sergey Kislyak told his superiors that during two conversations with Sessions, who was a senator at the time and also serving as a foreign policy adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump, the men discussed issues relating to the campaign, current and former US officials tell the Washington Post. Kislyak’s descriptions of the conversations were intercepted by US intelligence agencies, and the officials who spoke to the Postacknowledged that it’s not clear how reliable Kislyak’s accounts of the conversations are, but that he is known for relaying accurate information to the Kremlin.


7 Comments on If the Dems Are Worried About Russia Undermining American Politics, Why Do They Believe What the Russian Ambassador Has To Say?

  1. This line of thinking brings me to something else that I haven’t seen being pushed forward like I think it should be.

    Jeff Sessions recused himself from the “Russia investigation” for what was the mere POSSIBLE, APPEARANCE of a POTENTIAL conflict of interest supposedly based on DOJ “ethics rules”. There is zero evidence of any actual conflict of interest or nefarious talks with Russian “operatives” – and based on this report, he might have told the Russian ambassador something as simple as that he was supporting Trump for president.

    Robert Mueller has REAL, ACTUAL, BONAFIDE conflicts of interest by being Comey’s BFF among many other things including hiring democrat donors / actual Clinton lawyers as “investigators”, as well as the fact that Comey admitted under oath that the intent of his felonious leaks was to insure that his BFF Mueller was appointed as “special counsel”. Yet I’ve seen no one suggest that Mueller recuse himself from this “investigation” based on the same DOJ “ethics rules” that have left Sessions, and thereby Trump, standing helplessly on the sidelines observing this charade.

    For me, Jeff Sessions can redeem himself by “un-recusing” himself for at least long enough to fire Mueller for cause (clear and real conflicts of interest) and end this entire farce of an investigation now.

    I’m sure the dems and media (one and the same) would squeal like stuck pigs, but Jeff Sessions can’t be held to one “ethical” standard while Mueller’s obvious conflicts of interest are ignored under the same “ethics” rules. And he should fire Rosenstein posthaste for enabling such garbage.

  2. It all went to hell with that evil witch and her stupid reset button. Every goddamn thing the democrats are for the exact opposite outcome takes place. That stupid reset button restarted the war.

  3. It could be that Trump and Sessions are keeping the attention focused where they want it, while behind the scenes the DOJ is zeroing in on this corruption. Sessions recusal doesn’t neuter any persuit that may be in the offing. Maybe a trap is being readied to spring. I’m trying to be positive about this mess anyway.

  4. At the moment I’m much more concerned about Sessions attack on Federalism and Property rights. Unless he is attempting to go after Clinton, Obama or Soros assets after their prosecution I can’t imagine why he would have supported this unconstitutional law.

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