French Toast – IOTW Report

French Toast

France is done.

Lauren Southern uncovers what the media will not report. The imports are not Syrian women and children. They are mostly fighting age men from Northern Africa –


Here is Lauren simply walking around French streets. Whatever you had in your head about France, erase all that. This is France-

ht/ annie

25 Comments on French Toast

  1. My God, what are these people thinking? Have they already put their head in the sand and surrendered? The way they vote and act supports a full on demise of their country. Are they expecting the US to save them?

    I have always thought that we have a slight advantage over the EU mess because we can see what’s coming. But, I am not sure anymore; our leftists are no better than theirs.

  2. Yes, this is Paris now.
    Much the same in London, much of Amsterdam, and now Frankfurt and Munich.

    It’s not too late for massive deportations and subsidies to encourage actual Europeans, not welfare immigrants, to have large families ( or any family at all– European feminism for 30 years has been focused on convincing white women not to reproduce).

    Not too late. But they lack the will to elect a Wilders or LePen.

  3. I have some faith in the French Military. They buggered up the coup in the early 60’s but I suspect this time around the French Government may be looking down the barrels of the Foreign Legion and other elite French units if this gets too far and the Republic is threatened.

    As an aside I watched the walk through Paris and while a saw a lot of men of arab or north african descent just lounging I only saw a few women dressed in the traditional muslim garb and none with the full face covering. About the 4 minute mark she swung into a section of Paris that was brighter and filled with far more well dressed caucasians and other races that were equally well dressed carrying packages. I wonder whether these other races have been around awhile and are the decendents of the immigration from Frances’s colonies that the country has undergone for centuries. It’s key to know how acclimated to french life these people are to get a feel for where they stand.

  4. What was that chant? Hey hey I want fondue? Nambians no doubt.

    @ Billy, yep and it’s very difficult for French citizens to get guns and carry permits. It’s why these pieces of human waste want to be in EU countries.

  5. Dadof4,

    There’s a problem with that. France has 16 nuclear tipped ICBMs. And those damn French will hand them the launch codes with coordinates to your home town. So big picture, who’s our best ally in that region? Gotta be Putin.

  6. LOL, Nuclear Tipped ICBM’s headed towards the U.S. are acceptable? A positive alternative to them residing next door? I can shoot them next door. Google “Half Life”.

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