Was Bernie Sanders a Newspaper Thief? – IOTW Report

Was Bernie Sanders a Newspaper Thief?

Bernie Sanders – Five Fingered Discount Lickin’ Good

Daily Wire-

Bernie Sanders and his wife Jane when they are in Washington DC, live in this house on Capitol Hill, ok? Part of their vast real estate empire. They’re like wannabe Trumps with their real estate holdings.

The next-door neighbor…their neighbor on Capitol Hill called the Washington Post and told the Washington Post that they were cancelling their Washington Post subscription because their very expensive Sunday Post stopped showing up. Not there this week, last week, the week before, then it was there one week but the week before it wasn’t delivered, so I’m cancelling my subscription to the post because your delivery person never gets to me. I’m paying for it but it never gets to me.

The Washington Post said, “Please, do not cancel your subscription to the Washington Post. We will investigate with the delivery person and we will get back to you.”

So the Post investigated. They got back to the person cancelling their subscription to the Post and they said, “Listen, we talked to the delivery person. Our delivery person claims has seen you come out of your house again and again and grab the paper on Sunday mornings. Immediately as the paper delivery person delivers the paper, they’ve seen you come out of your house and pick up the newspaper. So, sir, you are lying to us.”

[The neighbor] said, “Oh, ok, I’ve been coming out and picking up the paper?”

“Yes, and we got a description from the delivery person. You are an older man with gray hair, balding, and little round glasses…”

And the guy said, “I’m like, you know, in my 50s and I’ve got a full head of dark hair. But, my neighbor is Bernie Sanders.”

And Bernie Sanders has been coming out every  Sunday morning and stealing his next door neighbor’s Washington Post.


ht/ Guinness Girl

18 Comments on Was Bernie Sanders a Newspaper Thief?

  1. So, I think this is fake news is it not? If it was true you can bet cash money that there would be video of this happening. It’s still funny though with just enough of a twinge of believability.

  2. I heard Chris tell this story the other morning and it was one of his good friends that called the Post so it is not fake news. IHeart Chis from 9-12 ET and you will be in for a treat!!

  3. I believe the story but even video proof would not lessen Bernie as a champion of the people to the proglodytes that flock to his banner.

    And there is rub. There is no reasoning with those prodtards. Should this civil war go from cold to hot I pity them because they won’t know what hit them.

  4. From internal diagnostics, Bernie knew that paper should have been delivered to him,
    The delivery agent dropped it at the wrong address. Bernie was just trying to realign the cosmos.

  5. If the delivery man said he saw the customer pick-up paper, sounds like he delivered it to the wrong house. Don’t like the old coot but deliver that crap to my house and I’ll dispose of it quickly too.

  6. …. if y’all listen to Plante’s podcast, he explains that the houses are very close together & they are practically like row houses that all look alike …. in deference to his friend, he didn’t want to go into details ’cause he didn’t want the location to be disclosed & gawkers descend upon the neighborhood

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