You never ever hear, “I have a good plumber, his name is Joe Hitler.” – IOTW Report

You never ever hear, “I have a good plumber, his name is Joe Hitler.”

This is by an iOTWreport reader who wishes to remain anonymous.

Have you ever noticed you never seem to run into anyone named Hitler anymore?

I don’t mean someone that idiot leftists are hyperbolically calling “literally Hitler”, I mean someone who is literally Hitler.  And not that they’re literally Adolf Hitler, the long-dead left-wing German politician from the 1930’s and 40’s,  but as in, that’s their real name.  As in, their birth certificate actually lists their name as “Hitler.”

Like:  Joe Hitler, Your Friendly Neighborhood Plumber.

Anyway…the reason for this is pretty obvious.  The actual, literal Hitler was a pretty bad guy.  While it would have been impossible for him to have been personally responsible for all the deaths attributed to the Nazis – I mean, really, who has that kind of time? – I think it’s pretty fair to say that he bears the majority of the blame for not only the deaths in World War II, but the holocaust itself.

And that’s a lot of dead guys.  And chicks.  And kids.  Probably animals, too (which is itself a little ironic, seeing as Hitler was a neo-pagan, vegetarian, animal-rights supporting, left-wing artist wannabee…he’d fit right in with most college students today, if it weren’t for the whole Master Race / White Supremacy thing, although to be fair, the Left as a whole was really big on eugenics back then, just ask Margaret Sanger…but I digress).

With some dedicated research, I’m sure I could come up with more precise numbers. You’d want to exclude the Pacific theatre, etc, etc…but a quick internet search gives me World War II death estimates of between 50 and 80 million combined, between the military, civilian, and concentration camp deaths.  So even if we take the low end of that, we’re still talking about killing enough people to wipe out a couple of small countries, at least.

Hell, the 1940 US census gave a population count of only 130-someodd million.  So we’re talking about roughly half the entire population of the US, at the time.  This is not an insignificant number.

I guess it’s obvious why no one wants to be named Hitler anymore.  Or even Adolf, for that matter.  Those names really got a bad stain with the whole Nazi thing, which is why I find it so curious that no one seems to be at all bothered by another name…


I mean, Hitler gets 50 million or so people killed over about a 15 year time span, and the name becomes Mudd.

On the other hand, Mohammed has had so many people killed over the course of 1400 years that I can’t find a reasonable estimate that’s less than a billion, and, yet, Mohammed is the most popular name in the Muslim world.

And we’re not talking about murdering 6 million Jews, as horrible as that was. We’re talking about entire civilizations being wiped out; entire continents getting cleansed. Yet I see people named Mohammed almost every single day. Look up Mohammed the Plumber. You’ll find one. I find that… oddly interesting.

Compared to Mohammed, Hitler, as a mass murderer, was an amateur. In fact, in contrast to Muhammed, to be perfectly hyperbolic, Hitler was an okay guy. That’s how despicable Mohammed was.

Hitler was certainly nicer to dogs.  And I’m willing to bet he was much more of gentleman to women. And I very much doubt he ever banged any 9 year-old girls.



18 Comments on You never ever hear, “I have a good plumber, his name is Joe Hitler.”

  1. Nicely written piece. But I don’t give passes to Neville and Franklin; not to mention Obama – who funded Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and their goal to relain uber terrorists. That could add a few zeros to your estimate of people killed “by” Mohammed.

  2. Hitler gave us the autobahn, with Mohammed we get camel routes. Arguably the vilest human to ever curse the earth. You’ve raised an interesting question that speaks to the flawed character of humans in general.

  3. larrytheenlightenedliberal,
    I’ve commented many times that I was a plumber – WAS a plumber – retired, now.

    Sorry, no, I’m not Hitler.
    Not a socialist bone in my body.
    But keep up the good work – your brain seems to let in a little light, once in a while.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. History is written by the winners. Let’s suppose that prior to WW II, Donald Trump had defeated Hillary Clinton for the Presidency. The big networtwork news departments as well as the New York Times want Trump out, so they concoct interference in the election by Josef Stalin which is fully supported by leftover Wilson progressives. Hollywood goes along with this, and the movie house newsreels are now full of impeach Trump hysteria while riling up anti-Stalin sentiment.

    Fortunately, Uncle Adolf is here to help. Sure, he has to invade Poland – but only to get to Russia. And while he’s at it, maybe Uncle Adolf better take over Europe to prevent further Russian influence. Thank you, Uncle Adolph.

    Obviously, this did not happen and Hitler is reviled as a genocidal maniac. Although another genocidal maniac, Uncle Joe Stalin, was feted as a hero for many years. But then again, Uncle Joe was on the winning side.

  5. On the same line:
    “May 28, 1937, the government of Germany–then under the control of Adolf Hitler of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party–forms a new state-owned automobile company, then known as Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH. Later that year, it was renamed simply Volkswagenwerk, or “The People’s Car Company.””
    Imagine for a moment that every year Volkswagen at its annual meeting gave their most prestigious award “The Adolf Hitler Award” to the citizen or employee that most embodied the vision of Volkswagen. People would burn VW’s in the street.
    Now for reality: Planned Parenthoods most prestigious award is “The Margaret Sanger Award” and it is given to the employee or citizen who most embodies the vision of the founder of PP, the person whom embodies their founders vision. Of course, that vision is the same as Hitler, racist, eugenics, extermination of the unfit. PP has killed on the scale of Nazi Germany.
    I would argue that leftists love all totalitarian dictators and their methods, they just cannot publicly say so …Yet

  6. Frank is right. The National Socialists of Germany got their ideas for eugenics (mass genocide) from the Progressive Socialists of America.

    Wipe out Socialism and Mohammedanism and you’ve got Heaven on Earth.

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