A letter from a president Trump admirer has been making the rounds. It was supposed to be charming. But I’m going to go off the beaten path and say that I’m a little concerned with the quality of this letter.
Has there not been a letter written to the president by a 9 year-old that doesn’t look and sound like it was written by a 5 year-old? (My apologies if somehow I’ve stepped on my own junk and this kid is special needs.)
The penmanship is appalling. So is the spelling and grammar. It’s almost like he’s a blogger!
What has happened to our schools?
I can see the jokes from the left, already — This is actually a letter from a 21 year-old Trump voter. Har De Har Har.
More about the letter HERE.
I don’t know, Fur. I used to tutor third graders (9 year-olds) in penmanship and all my kids were boys. Never thought about that until now. If the kid is left-handed it’s the worst and being so self-conscious about “not writing good”, they tend to focus more on that than content.
Wasn’t there a study/report that showed cursive writing is easier for kids and helps them focus more on spelling, grammar and content? Wouldn’t surprise me. Making block letters is slow and backward.
I’m not a big fan of cute kids. How the heck does a nine year old decide to become a friend of the president.
If you think my spelling is bad you should see my hand writing. No Slow Motor Twitch. Just being real. I lift heavy shit and machine precision parts. But good luck reading what I write. If it’s important my wife writes it and I put an X on it. So I’ll take Dylan at face value.
AA, I still can’t write worth a darn. I remember handwriting was the first D I ever got on my report card, I was scared to bring it home. Maybe I need more tutoring.
Every hear of a word processor. Or typewriter, back in the 60’s I used to write one letter a week to a different company to see what I would get in the mail. I always got something, once it was chicle.
Another was a small pen with oil in it. A flashlight company sent me a high quality flashlight.
If I had written the letter I would have got nothing.
Hole E Fck. Never trust a carnie.
The kid spells better than half of the adults on Facebook.
When one of my sons was about that age, his work looked about the same. I would make him write everything over, and it usually came out about the same way. He wound up with degrees In ME and EE, in five years of school. His writing now puts me to shame. His job is … well, pretty awesome.
joe6pack — I’ve always thought we should go back to the tried and true copybook. They were gone by the time we were in school, but I do remember as a second-grader having regular penmanship study several times a week. Maybe it was my ancient second grade teacher. I do know that almost everyone I’ve known about two generations back could write beautifully. I still can’t make that fancy “W” in cursive.
If my seven year old wrote that bad, I’d beat her.
That is all.
In todays schools, this could be an example of an over achiever.
Looks like a 21-year old leftiepranked the President. Or the kid’s mom used her kid to prank him.
“Cake in the shape of your (hair?)”– standard “Trump is a joke” early campaign era material.
“How much monny do you have?”–” Release your tax returns!”
“I don’t know why people don’t like you”–Adolescent-level backhanded compliment
When the MSM “tracks down” Dylan Harbin and reveals he was part of a prank, and stupid dumb Trump fell for it, don’t be surprised.
Sorry I’m so grouchy. I need coffee.
It’s a fake. No way is this a 9 year old.
Scaramucci might want find out who handed that letter to Sarah Sanders.
Alright, alright…I’m getting more coffee.
Another thing to consider, the National Spelling bee in 2016 was won by an 11 year old.
It’s a fake.
I almost didn’t read this article, because of the name ‘Sanders’.
I agree with the disbelief that this was written by a 9-year old. I really think it is more like a High School grade level.
I went to college, 40 years after graduating from High School. I was scared to death that I would be left far behind, by the newly graduated HS students.
What a joke! I was chided and accused of ruining ‘their grades’. Huh? How was I doing that?
1-I did well on my tests. (I STUDIED)
2-I actually was able to answer questions in class. (I STUDIED)
3-my homework projects ALWAYS got an A.
How dare I make them look bad by, (a) TYPING my hand ins, (b) organizing them, as required, and the worst “sin”, (c) I handed them in on time!
All I could offer in defense was, I work on a COMPUTER, (makes it EASY to edit and spell check and print, ever hear of them?) follow instructions, and pay attention to deadlines. OLD, GRANNY BITCH, that I am!
I have three 12 y.o. nephews and everyone of them has appalling handwriting and spelling. I also have a special needs son who has the best handwriting (cursive) and spelling (it is his savant area I guess). I went to school when we had cursive lessons everyday and like joe6pack, it was the only D I ever received. I still manage to go to college on a full scholarship plus a monthly salary.
This may turn out to be a fraud and I am sure CNN is all over it.
The kid may be slow, and that’s why they read the letter. And if it’s a prank, then whoever did it just made fun of special kids. If that’s the case, they can burn in hell.
“How big is the white hose?”
…or it could be Common Core teaching. “Hose, house. It’s close enough.”
Nah, it’s real. They probably checked out the sender before showcasing it.
It not no bettor than my ACT or SAt or my lsat assay …
Sorry, Fur. I score student essays that look like this letter and some of them are seniors in high school. I’m serious.