Maybe the best Twitter thread ever? – IOTW Report

Maybe the best Twitter thread ever?

The Patriot Retort thinks this might be the best Twitter thread ever.

It’s hard to argue with this opinion:


While people who have never served in the military set their hair on fire over the ban on gender confused people, I thought it might be helpful to hear from someone who actually has some experience serving in combat.

And I found the perfect guy: J.R. Salzman – an Iraq War vet and wounded warrior.

Read his musings on Transgenders in the Military HERE

ht/ all too much

16 Comments on Maybe the best Twitter thread ever?

  1. For the morally decrepit individual that has convinced himself that he is a woman claiming that he wants Trump to tell him to his face that “he’s not worthy”, I’m telling him now that “he’s not worthy”. It’s not all about you, you narcissistic, self centered, self aggrandizing jerk! It’s all about an organization whose sole purpose is to defend the USA and its citizens by putting the absolute best people available forward into the organization.

    Any pathetic soul that misguidedly believes that allowing mentally ill people that mistakenly believe they are the opposite sex of what they were genetically born as into the armed forces has no business claiming that they are more concerned about their fellow soldiers than they are for themselves. This sanctimonious asshole clearly has no respect for the people he served with or those that would be forced to served with his ilk.

    Self centered, mentally ill and emotionally unstable people have no place in the US armed forces ……. period ……. end of story! This deranged individual could at least pretend that he cared about his fellow soldiers to some small extent if he weren’t so concerned with his own shameless self promotion as a “victim” of normalcy.

  2. Listen to this guy. That’s our problem – policy, laws, and procedures are not developed nor implemented by people “who have been there, done that.”

    Politicians serve from the commissary table and not the passenger seat of a Humvee in harm’s way. They allow the lawyers to make the roe’s and enforce political correctness and agendas on a battlefield no one can win on.

    Thank God Mr. Trump has at least a modicum of sense and makes decisions on real world rather than “political world.”

    War is no place for anyone let alone trannies and (I know you’ll yell at me) women.

  3. And there you have EXACT reason why Revrum Wright’s “God-Damn America”-hating, Gay-obsessed, Radical, Bomb-Throwing, Marxist Muzlim Mallard and Kenyan Kremepuff (disguised as a Black man) shoved this issue down our throats! They absoluteIy know that this is what would and will happen.
    I also happen to believe this is the same reason that Common Core exists and the general overall wussification of our younger generations goes on.
    The real goal isn’t what they say it is.
    The real goal is: Weaken America any way possible!

  4. Best statement is at the end. Obama paying Iran millions, but not the vet.

    If congress took care of those they represent, rather than those that bribe them, and made laws that don’t exempt themselves, the swamp would drain more quickly.

  5. Banned from the military:
    – ADHD
    – Asthma
    – Autism
    – Obesity
    – Drug users
    – Tattoos in certain areas
    – Etc., etc., etc.

    Here is a 2014 Smithsonian headline on military restrictions:
    More Than Two Thirds of American Youth Aren’t Good Enough for the Military, Says the Military

    The military is an exclusive club, but only one single group of cupcakes is screaming ‘discrimination’

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