So, You Wanna Be A Cop? – IOTW Report

So, You Wanna Be A Cop?

You have to have the right personality to be able to laugh off the taunts of black semi-literates and not make a remark that can end your career because of lowlife scum.

NSFW- (Starts slow, ramps up to a fever pitch.)

39 Comments on So, You Wanna Be A Cop?

  1. My only wish is that the police officer not respond at all to this obvious ridiculous harassment and racial hate crime.

    I admire them for maintaining mostly professional demeanor (it is Chicago after all).

  2. I was Sure that was Dave Chapelle doing a Spoof, until almost the End !
    So WTF, People Actually Speak or in His Case Talk Loudly to Cops Like That ?
    Would a Muslim Cop Be Allowed to Shoot Him Dead ?

  3. Is this a FaraCON graduate from the NOI? Didnt the brother remember the teachings of the honerible eliar mahamed…

    Is this creature a member of homo Fr Phlagaygers church?? Which cult in Shitcago is responsible for this dog?

    While many blacks have advanced and adapted, many more have remained imbeciles and zoo like animals. Its hard work….

  4. It is the right of every American to mock, insult, and show a complete lack of respect to government employees. It is the duty of the government employee to take that treatment. If the government employee does not like it, they are more than welcome to quit and find honest employment.

  5. Human beings don’t act this way. It’s one thing to disagree with a Government worker, but to go out of your way to torment or ridicule or cause anyone distress, is inhuman. The only lack of ‘respect’ on display is coming from the guy filming. He just proved that Cops are the real victims, not the other way around. I hope, nothing happens to those cops in terms of discipline. It would be a shame.

  6. What is needed here is obviously more federal government money to fund programs like midnight basketball, hugs-not-drugs, stop-the-violence, and other community outreach designed to empower the disenfranchised members or our society whose political leaders have chased away their local tax base and now must rely on buy-the-vote methods to stay in power

  7. After seeing this, I am amazed there’s not a shooting by Chicago cops every 15 minutes. Their level of restraint can be measured in orders of magnitude.

    However… that very level of restraint is what makes such behavior possible, because the street vermin know there will be no swift, severe and lasting consequences for their actions.

  8. I was having a discussion with my husband the other, we were wondering how many of the young people would ever be able to have any kind of discourse if the “f” word was somehow extracted from our language.

  9. 1. I congratulate the police for FINALLY using restraint.

    2. This situation, restraint is not needed. He was taunting and disorderly, go arrest his ass, take the video as evidence.

    I am waiting for the police to use the correct amount of force for the situation, not 1 or 2 levels above it.
    Ex: They use a gun when taser works better.
    They use taser when pepper spray works better.
    They use pepper spray when they have 5 cops to take someone down.

    They use restraint with a crazy man, yet will shoot into a car full of kids over a traffic stop? I don’t get it man….

  10. I always enjoyed dealing with idiots like this guy. Eventually they get their asses kicked by someone who refuses to put up with them. I remember the fun we had one night when someone shot up a local bar and the only guy to get hit caught a round in his abdomen and was slowly bleeding out. When he looked up at us and saw a bunch of cops he had abused over the years smiling down at him he got that “deer in the headlights” look on his face. We took him to the hospital and he lived, but he was a lot more respectful afterward since he knew we were the only thing that stood between him and hell.

  11. That demon possessed creature knew what he was doing. The strategy is to set up white cops so they can be replaced with black cops which hood thugs believe are easily manipulated.

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