Actors portraying blind people are akin to “blackface” says loony group of advocates – IOTW Report

Actors portraying blind people are akin to “blackface” says loony group of advocates

LA Times-

The Ruderman Family Foundation, a leading organization advocating on behalf of disabled people, has come out against the forthcoming film “Blind.” The group accuses the movie of “crip-face” — akin to blackface — in its casting of the able-bodied Alec Baldwin as the blind lead.

“Alec Baldwin in ‘Blind’ is just the latest example of treating disability as a costume,” Jay Ruderman, the foundation’s president, said in a statement. “We no longer find it acceptable for white actors to portray black characters. Disability as a costume needs to also become universally unacceptable.”

“Blind,” which Vertical Entertainment will release July 14, stars Baldwin as a novelist who lost his wife and his sight in a car crash. Years later, he comes into contact with a married socialite, played by Demi Moore, who is forced to read to him as part of a plea bargain. The two begin a love affair forcing Moore’s character to choose between the novelist and her husband.


-People go to the movies to see people ACT.

-Directors cast name stars in movies in order to get financing.

-Stars guarantee distribution deals.

-And, most importantly, don’t make me take the side of Alec Baldwin, you dumb bastids!!!

This is nothing like blackface.

Shall we only cast people with cancer in movies about people with cancer? How about movies about schizophrenia? How about mental retardation? How about Weekend at Bernie’s? Should that role been played by an actual dead person?


26 Comments on Actors portraying blind people are akin to “blackface” says loony group of advocates

  1. Through this inclusion, I’m sure more blind people will now attend the movies.

    Alex Baldwin?
    I know what he is and what he represents.
    I would not cross the street to see him act as though he’s someone he’s not.

  2. Fine! As long as that also means we can – with his rare few tokens as exceptions – go back to ALL WHITE Shakespeare casts, right?!

    Oh wait. Thaaaat’s raaaaacist.

    Identity Politics just *never* seems to work out in our favor…gee, I wonder why that is….

  3. Don’t laugh, cato.
    If the cripple industry had its way, there would be special “talking for the visually impaired” showings, just as they wanted to REQUIRE all seats to be equipped with “ticker type” running text on the back of every movie seat.


  4. Oh! The humanity!

    They accuse Alec Baldwin of ACTING!
    Do they realize to what an extent they’ve be-clowned themselves?
    Is Mr. Ruderman a fukkin RETARD?
    If he is, this makes some sense – if not … wellllllll …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. How does a blind person take visual cues from another actor, a prop, the scenery, etc?
    How fast can they do script changes in braille? And since it isn’t a documentary about blindness but a movie for entertainment, why wouldn’t you cast a well-known assctor like smartAlec? Do they know a world famous blind actor? No! Here’s where the blind people can do their work— By being the artsy fartsy assistant telling the actors about how they move around and what they do during the days and nights and explaining their fears, joys, differences and all that so the assctor can incorporate that into his asscting. I don’t mean this in a horrifying way, but people really need to learn and understand their limitations in life. Who ever told you as a child that ‘you can do anything’ was either drunk or a liar or a drunk liar.

  6. Methinks someone sees a possible payout which is all the ADA is good for.

    Since the movie probably won’t make much, considering that Shallowood can’t get asses in seats lately, I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were them.

  7. In other shocking revelations:

    The cast of Harry Potter confess they are NOT ACTUALLY WIZARDS!

    Robert Downey Jr confesses that the Iron Man suit is actually ” mostly CGI, I think” and that he is not ACTUALLY flying and being struck by Nuclear missives.

    Ugly rumors are circulating around PBS that many, possibly ALL, of the cast of Downton Abbey are not ACTUALLY titled English aristocrats. Some may not even have been alive in 1910.

    “Crip-face”. Meanwhile there are still many REAL hardships and injustices to the disabled. Mostly extreme poverty on SS Disability, while Illegsls and Welfare Queens exploit the welfare system as career baby factories cranking out more welfare recipients.

  8. “Soul Surfer” was about a surfer who came back after losing an arm to a shark attack. Should they remove the actor’s arm for real for the scenes after the attack?

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