Mayor De Blasio Denies Sweeping Subways of Bums For Photo Op – And Gets Caught Lying – IOTW Report

Mayor De Blasio Denies Sweeping Subways of Bums For Photo Op – And Gets Caught Lying

NY Post-

“Before the mayor arrives at the 4th Avenue station, [police] officers are to sweep the station for homeless persons as well as the Jay Street station,” reads an NYPD e-mail obtained by this newspaper — to the extreme discomfit of the mayor, his Three Stooges press shop and its deputy director, Eric Phillips.

Phillips opened with a high-dudgeon denial that the bum-sweep order had ever been given. Then, confronted with the e-mail pretty conclusively demonstrating otherwise, he stuck by his story — hinting darkly that the e-mail itself was a fake.

As if.

Anyway, here are some things Phillips obviously didn’t learn in press-secretary school:

  • Don’t let your principal do dumb things.
  •  If he insists, and he gets caught, never lie about it — unless you’re certain you can get away with it.
  •  But if there’s a paper trail, you almost surely won’t get away with it.

The mayor and his A Team broke all those rules: They did a dumb thing; they lied and then they got caught.

So once again New Yorkers are reminded that they are governed by dumb liars. Not a news flash, of course.


13 Comments on Mayor De Blasio Denies Sweeping Subways of Bums For Photo Op – And Gets Caught Lying

  1. NYC is the perfect atmosphere for elevating despicable maggots like DeBozo to see their twisted ideas pushed onto the public. His bullshit wouldn’t sell anywhere else.

  2. deblasio exemplifies the progressive movement. He will lie at will, skew facts and perform any duty that will get him the results he wants. I find people like this despicable. I wouldn’t piss on the SOB if he was on fire.

  3. The New York subway is a screechy, filthy mobile toilet.

    Let the Japanese or Koreans overhaul this national embarrassment.
    Theirs are fast, quiet, heated seats, CLEAN, and always on time. You don’t need coins or 1 time / multiple use passes. You just buy a re-loadable card and add money.

    Rode on the FAMOUS N.Y. subway, and was totally ashamed. Yech. .

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