Italian Guest House Owner Doesn’t Want Couples That Have “Tua Sauseeege” Between Them – IOTW Report

Italian Guest House Owner Doesn’t Want Couples That Have “Tua Sauseeege” Between Them

No gays or animals: Italian guest house under fire for rejecting gay couple.


The owner of a guesthouse has sparked outrage in Italy after refusing to host a gay couple saying “we don’t accept gays and animals”.

A gay couple from Naples said they were shocked to be told that they were not welcome at Ciufo guest house near Vibo Valentia, in the southern region of Calabria, because the owners “believe in traditional families”.

“It was like getting a silo of ice cold water,” Gennaro Casalino told Arcigay, Italy’s largest gay organisation.

“In my mind I could see the infamous images of Nazi signs outside of shops saying ‘forbidden entry to dogs and Jews’.”But It has been 70 years since then and this cannot be ignored.”

Filippo Mondella, the owner of the guest house, told Radio Capital that he wrote the message whilst driving and he did not intend to offend anyone when he told the couple: “This is important and I don’t want to appear like a troglodyte, but we don’t accept gays and dogs.”

Mr Mondella explained that he did not mean to put gay people and dogs in the same category and it was a punctuation mistake.

He also defended his position: “[The guest house] is not a public structure, it’s a private house. We are Catholic, devout Christians […] I have nothing against it, for me they are normal people, but objectively we prefer to keep our faith.”


ht/ The Big Owe

11 Comments on Italian Guest House Owner Doesn’t Want Couples That Have “Tua Sauseeege” Between Them

  1. Any gay person or couple that wants to contest another person or business because of their offense to gaydom, queerdom, homos, or any other unnatural sexual deviations are merely striking out for the sake of sensationalism or otherwise aggrandizing what they perceive as a violation of one’s right to completely disregard the natural order of life.
    Or something like that.

  2. In my best Barney Fife typing….”Aunt Bea ain’t cleaning’ no fecal matter offn’her sheets just because you boys take a mind to stabbing your cock up each others backsides”…

  3. I’m sure George Clooney will be happy to give them his Italian villa. He’ll even match the rental rate. Maybe even beat it by a euro. Gays and dogs, all welcome. I know Lake Como sucks, as a holiday destination. But George’s place is welcoming, and economical.

  4. Faggots always seek attention. Faggots are perverts and, at best, mentally ill. Faggots are not satisfied with other people tolerating their filth and perversion, they DEMAND that ALL ENDORSE and PARTICIPATE in their heinous and sick activities.

    Faggots are amoral sex criminals who seek to destroy Christianity. Faggots intentionally seek out those they know would never endorse their perversion in order to have those people publicly abused and threatened.

    Faggots seek to currupt people, especially children.

    Faggots are the quintessential narcissists.

    Faggots are violent, usually in a passive-aggressive manner.

    ALL Faggots are, at all time, an immediate danger to children.

    The guest house owners are morally correct when they refuse to accommodate the faggots.

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