ICE chief wants to slap smuggling charges on leaders of sanctuary cities – IOTW Report

ICE chief wants to slap smuggling charges on leaders of sanctuary cities

WT: The country’s top immigration enforcement officer says he is looking into charging sanctuary city leaders with violating federal anti-smuggling laws because he is fed up with local officials putting their communities and his officers at risk by releasing illegal immigrants from jail.


Thomas Homan, the acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also told Americans to expect more work site enforcement targeting unscrupulous employers and more 287(g) agreements with willing police and sheriff’s departments that want to help get illegal immigrants off their streets. Eventually, he said, ICE will break the deportation records of 409,849 migrants set in 2012 under President Obama.

“I think 409,000 is a stretch this year, but if [the Justice Department] keeps going in the direction they’re going in, if we continue to expand our operational footprint, I think we’re going to get there,” he told The Washington Times. “Our interior arrests will go up. They’re going to top last year’s for sure.”

Mr. Homan is the spear tip of President Trump’s effort to step up immigration enforcement — perhaps the largest swing in attitude for any agency in government from the last administration to the current one.

Agents and officers have been unshackled from the limits imposed by Mr. Obama, whose rules restricted arrests to less than 20 percent of the estimated illegal immigrant population.  read more

14 Comments on ICE chief wants to slap smuggling charges on leaders of sanctuary cities

  1. Look for the Repugnant Party to throw up a technical barrier, lead by Graham, Ryan, McCain and silently by a bunch of others. Money. Money. Money. They owe and owe and owe a lot of favors.

  2. Grahm, McShitstain, and Mc”Con”ell will block it because they dont want the videos of their homo child rape to get out by the demoRats.

  3. So far, i like Homan, but if he believes Obama actually “deported” 409,849 illegals, he is sadly delusional. But, assuming that is the “official” number, where was the outrage in the latino community then?

  4. If a bank robber came to your door, and told you what he was, and you let him in, and refused to allow the police in to arrest him because this a ‘sanctuary house,’ what do you think would happen to you?

    This is what should happen to the ‘sanctuary city’ politicians, police chiefs, bureaucrats, etc..

  5. Start with California.
    Federal warrants, windowless vans, handcuffs and live stream the perp walks on all the feeds.

    No bail (flight risks). RICO them all. Follow the money back to Soros and the Mexican government.

    Arrest a few and watch the others panic.
    Jerry Brown and Napolitano would look good in orange jumpsuits.


  6. @Rufus T. Firefly & @Braden Lynch

    I lost interest in the donkey & elephant show years ago. Wake me when the mass executions start. I can catch up on the individual super-star “head liners” on video. But I want to experience the “middle class” boxcar loads live, with the public, the way it never used to be.

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