Like a Goddamn Roman Emperor McCain Gives Dramatic Thumbs Down as The Left Gasps and Erupts in Applause – IOTW Report

Like a Goddamn Roman Emperor McCain Gives Dramatic Thumbs Down as The Left Gasps and Erupts in Applause

24 Comments on Like a Goddamn Roman Emperor McCain Gives Dramatic Thumbs Down as The Left Gasps and Erupts in Applause

  1. McCain Has nothing to lose, shows for all time what he is.

    I’ve been saying all along that the Rs will screw us on this. Cruz’s quote is right: can’t run on repealing Ocare, then defend Ocare. Remove them all.

  2. I can only hope that there will be a “run” on rope in Arizona over the next few days. Being in the desert, there might not be many trees, but I suspect there are quite a number of lamp posts handy.

  3. True to form, this insufferable gasbag practically crawled out of his deathbed just to return to the senate to bury a carving knife in the back of the republic. This evil mutt will snarl and bite until he draws his terminal breath. That can’t come soon enough.

  4. “3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch!”

    ~PRESIDENT Trump

  5. McCain’s brain is obviously affected by cancer. We do not vote thumbs up or down in the US Senate but we will fall like the Roman Empire because of traitors like him.

  6. Since when has he ever placed the interests of the proles above his donors? Not even the lives of young men & women of the military warrants an iota of thoughtful consideration.

    This was a big old FU to Trump. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. I have a feeling McTraitor was so traumatized by the Vietcong that he collaborated with them, and ever since then he has collaborated with the enemy of what this country stands for, i.e., Democrats.

  8. The Congressional RINOs so numerous
    Found their funny bones weren’t so humerus.
    ‘Cause their Emperor McCainium
    They candled his cranium,
    And found it was ever so tumorus.

    What? Too soon…?

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