Ted Cruz Reacts To Failed Vote at the Hands of Terminally Ill McCain – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Reacts To Failed Vote at the Hands of Terminally Ill McCain

What good is saying the voters will vote out McCain? He’ll be dead in a few months. A few months too late. Yes, I said it. No apologies. Don’t bother to ask for one.


41 Comments on Ted Cruz Reacts To Failed Vote at the Hands of Terminally Ill McCain


    What is there to apologize for? The man is a liar and a traitor and is now going to be remembered as such. I have no idea where he is with Christ, if anywhere, but he’s got to know he’s going to his grave hated by millions. Apparently it’s worth it to him.

  2. It’s only McCain when they need him.
    Otherwise, it’s Graham.
    Or Murkowski.
    Or Collins.

    There’s a basket-full of ’em.
    Think: Whack-A-Mole…they come out when needed.
    And Cruz is faux-opposition.

  3. McCain, definition of useful idiot. Praised by the left when he is the “Maverick”, defying Republican leadership to reach across the aisle to his comrades when they need his vote. Runs for President, is treated like a piece of shit by the left. Now back to being a traitor, left loves him again.

  4. The election process truly died when the electorate of certain areas became so corrupted that they knowingly elected Democrats to run as Republicans for just this purpose. Nothing short of a true national divorce is going to change that.

  5. But this does reveal at least WHO the real problem is. Well, maybe not. Everyone but 7 were willing to vote for straight repeal? But this was not the content of the “Better Care” act. Out of 52, 45/52 were good with straight repeal, yet, Mitch the Bitch wasn’t working that solution at all. He was busy fashioning Obuttwipecare 2.0.

  6. McCain is a mcshameful waste of space. I feel bad about his plausible salvation and I feel bad for his family. But sympathy only goes so far. At least the rotten little creature has begun to reap what he has sown.

  7. McCain is still burning over not being elected President and from Trump’s comments during the campaign. He resents Trump being where he believes he rightfully should have been, and will continue to undermine Trump until he draws his last breath. He is as tiny a man inside as Obama, and I didn’t think that possible.

  8. McCain has made a career of promising action before an election and then turning his back on the very voters who put him where he is at. He has no loyalty to the citizens or our Country.
    Integrity, Honesty, Loyalty? Not a smidgen.

  9. McCain is still burning over not being elected President and from Trump’s comments during the campaign. He resents Trump being where he believes he rightfully should have been, and will continue to undermine Trump until he draws his last breath. He is as tiny a man inside as Obama, and I didn’t think that possible.

  10. When the old turd expires they ought to cut off his thumb and enshrine it in the Traitors Hall of Fame (That’s if they can pry it out of Gramnestys butt)!

  11. Should have died in the carrier fire he claims he didn’t cause.
    Should have died in Vietnam.

    Should have been torn to pieces by mobs of outraged Americans decades ago.

    I agree with PDT. This traitor was NEVER a hero.

    Trump should EO a medical/fitness/disclosure requirement for all Federal officials including Congresspersons.
    Random drug/alcohol testing alone would cut 70% of Dems and 50% of GOP in the first two weeks.
    Drain The Swamp.

    I hope McCain dies in agony and beyond all painkillers.

  12. And then one day McCain comes back to Congress all healthy, albeit a little on the chubby side. Everyone says, “You’re healed! What happened?” McCain says, “Oh, nothing a little gift from a relative can’t cure.” Back home we see a dumpster full of garbage and Meggy McCains’ headless body (BIRM) being emptied into a garbage truck.

  13. McCain is reported to have said “Watch the show.” before he took to the podium to screw over every Republican voter again.

    Fuck this asshole. People like him are why I’m not a Republican anymore. Of course, he’s fine with that because he’s not one either.

  14. If you have a brain tumor and swelling and clearly have exhibited bizarre behavior why are you permitted to be voting on legislation? Is the guy cleared to even drive? People should be rioting in the streets allowing mentally incompetent people to dictate their lives. Outrageous.

  15. What good is saying the voters will vote out McCain? He’ll be dead in a few months. A few months too late. Yes, I said it. No apologies. Don’t bother to ask for one.

    Here’s my fantasy, he drops dead on the Senate floor, and this will happen sooner than later. His anger will cause his cancer to grow rapidly. I give him a month until the seizures have become too numerous and it leaves him paralyzed and incapable of speaking. Never an apology coming from me.

  16. I may have to move to Arizona so I can vote against his dead carcass when they try to re-elect him. Furious at all the Republicans but more disgusted with the RINOS among us.

  17. 💢💢💢💢 It will be morbid fun to watch McCain shuffle back and forth to the hospital, then miss work, then come back, then finally bed-ridden as we wait to pop the champagne corks on the inevitable news.

    Can we get the hospital to do a count-down and ball drop? Is that TOO much?


  18. As much as I loathe McCain, Collins and Murkowski are every bit as bad-if not worse. Heller was sitting in the wings waiting to see if McCain was going to provide him cover to vote Yes, otherwise he would have voted no. Lets fight and try and get Murkowski and Collins and Heller primaried and out of the Senate–McCain is never going to last and hopefully a real Conservative will be appointed. We HAVE TO KEEP FIGHTING, because they will never ever stop trying to destroy America.

  19. Listingstarboard — It calls into TOTAL question the integrity of EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the Congress! It doesn’t take any imagination at all to believe they all know each others’ constituents well enough to know who needs the “Aye” cover and who doesn’t. Collins and MurCowski don’t need to go back to their states and defend their votes. Heller does. McCain will be dead before his term is out, and so neither does he. You can be sure there were others who drew the short straw if they hadn’t come up with enough to defeat the legislation. The entire Congress is corrupted by lobby money.

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