Was McCain’s Devastating News Karma? – IOTW Report

Was McCain’s Devastating News Karma?


Amid the outpouring of support for the senator from politicians across nation, Los Angeles Times reporter Jessica Roy insinuated that some dramatic irony was taking place. In a now deleted tweet, Roy wrote, “My friend’s husband died of glioblastoma in AZ. They wrote a letter to McCain begging for his help. He advised them to move.”

Savvy Twitter users located this friend and identified her as Tasha Pratt-King, who was the subject of a 2010 Phoenix New Times article, “‘Til Death Do Us Part …”  about her husband Kevin “Wash” Pratt’s diagnosis.

In a response to the story resurfacing, Pratt-King posted to Facebook.

“We wrote to McCain in 2010 to beg him to help Wash keep AHCCCS insurance. McCain sent us a letter back saying it might be best to move out of Arizona because he did not consider health insurance (and thus, access to health care itself) a human right.”

Kevin died in September 2012.

25 Comments on Was McCain’s Devastating News Karma?

  1. The tumor has affected his ability to reason. His vote should be declared invalid and he should be suspended from all senatorial duties until a full mental evaluation is conducted.

  2. Meerkat, I suspect that you were really voting for Sarah Palin, like me. What a disgraceful state of affairs that this man was the best we could muster for a candidate.

  3. So, does President Trump have any say as to what type of state memorial or funeral can be held for a member of Congress?

    Not that DJT would do anything petty or vindictive as McCain just did to him and DJT voters.

  4. This story, a rare occurrence of glioblastoma in a young man, is used to not-so-subtley advance socialized medicine. Surprising, isn’t it.

    The young man in the story was just 24 was diagnosed with a frontal lobe tumor eight centimeter in diameter. He was just starting out life with his newlywed wife, 22. They had good jobs but hadn’t save any money. I didn’t see a mention of insurance before the diagnosis, so it seems they applied for AHCCCS after the fact.

    Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, or AHCCCS, the state’s publicly funded health plan DID kick him off the plan because they earned $4.12 too much, but “AHCCCS administrators relented and put Kevin back on the program.” The wife was able to stay home and caregive and receive food stamps. They wrote letters to everyone, including Nancy Pelosi trying to navigate the byzantine system applying for public assistance.

    It’s a hard luck situation to be sure. But it argues for portable, mandatory, affordable, catastrophic healthcare insurance for the young, not for more government involvement.

    Other than illustrating similar personality changes (forgetful, violent, loss of humor), it really has nothing to do with McAmnesty.

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