CNN Uses MS-13 as a Source To Say Cracking Down on MS-13 is Bad Idea – IOTW Report

CNN Uses MS-13 as a Source To Say Cracking Down on MS-13 is Bad Idea

I guess, according to CNN nitwits, it is not advisable to go after theĀ gang, MS-13, because it’s “emboldening” them.

It’s a very risky proposition when you screw with a gang’s right to kill you. It’s best just to do nothing.

16 Comments on CNN Uses MS-13 as a Source To Say Cracking Down on MS-13 is Bad Idea

  1. This must be the reason the elite politicians aren’t indicted, arrested and tried, this would only embolden the rest of them to be more corrupt.
    Sure, that makes sense.
    If only J. Edgar Hoover employed this strategy with the gangsters & mafia, corruption would be non-existent. DUH !

  2. Water board them until they identify every operative. For good measure, have the pro immigration liberals at CNN house 3 or 4 of these special cupcakes. Should be able to put the CNN building on the market by September.

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