Gee – Where Do You Think We Are On the Circle? – IOTW Report

Gee – Where Do You Think We Are On the Circle?

HT/ Intellectual Froglegs

18 Comments on Gee – Where Do You Think We Are On the Circle?

  1. When the tough get going I go to lunch (my old boss used to say that at staff meetings – really helped us out you know!)

    Actually it was always good to know he’d be around to second guess after a crisis with a patient, and then “see if we could have prevented or handled it better.”

  2. Ever and ever more weaklings climbing aboard the backs of the strong makes for increasingly heavy lifting. With no sense of shame, they enjoy the toil of others. This can’t end well.

  3. Gee, that’s a tough one.
    We’re teaching our boys that there’s no difference between sucking dicks and uniting with women, that there exist things called “transgenders,” that ALL cultures are equal, that there exist things called “moderate” muzlims, that Obola-Care is about health, that the Constitution is a “living” document, that God is dead, that the Demonrats aren’t “really” Bolsheviks, that the GOPe isn’t “really” Menshevik, and that $20 Trillion in debt is a GOOD thing!

    Hmmm … Uncle Al may be right …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Ask the ANQUEEFA scum that used his head to break a fat wooden dowel wielded by Kyle Chapman to answer that question. Or ask Sascrotch. Be sure to delouse later.

    American men will always be strong. We have to stop being tolerant.

  5. Smack dab in #3.
    Uncle Al, you call these “hard times”?!?

    At least the weak men will make for
    good fertilizer/compost for the new soil.

  6. Between 3 and 4. In this country, many are right on 4, but many more are on 2 sliding into 3. Those of us on 2 are in the majority, but I don’t know for how long.

    If the media (entertainment, news, education) were not overflowing with 4s trying to change America into a 3rd world country, we would not be surrounded by images, stories and lawsuits bent on shoving depravity in our faces.

    It won’t be long before 2s fight back. Then the 4s will see THEIR hard times.

  7. Interesting how we all seem to see alike.
    The global population is overdue for a Mass Reduction. Pandemic, biowarfare that escapes the target. Nuclear Jihad.
    Any disruption of global food trade. EMP.
    SMOD. AI/Skynet becomes self-aware.
    The next Ice Age arrives.
    Spin the wheel.

    But a huge die-off is coming. Many of the Elite openly state that as a desirable outcome (as they envision it).

    In a decade or two the nuclear arsenals of the new Eurabia will be in Muslim control. Things will get lively.

  8. Weak men create easy lives.
    Easy lives eventually create hard times.
    Hard times will create a few strong men.
    The few strong men have to fix the hard times.
    So more weak men can create more easy lives.
    And the cycle repeats.

  9. We are not yet in the midst of hard times, but are indeed plagued by weak men (and women).

    The shit is prepped, the fan is on, but the two have yet to meet.

    (Hard Times: WWI, WWII, Depression)

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