Trump’s “Collusion Buddy” Orders US Diplomats Out of Russia – IOTW Report

Trump’s “Collusion Buddy” Orders US Diplomats Out of Russia

Putin orders hundreds of US diplomats to leave Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin ​said on Sunday 755 US diplomats ​must leave the country in retaliation for Congress​’ ​approving new sanctions ​for​ Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

​Putin was making good on a threat he issued on Friday that he would ​cut US diplomatic staff in Russia and seize two American properties after the Senate and the House voted overwhelmingly for new sanctions against Moscow.

An official at the US Embassy in Moscow said there are about 1,100 diplomatic and support staff in Russia, including US citizens and Russians, Reuters reported last week, citing a source.
​Earlier Sunday, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said vote for the sanctions was the “last drop” and ​said Moscow would retaliate “in kind.”

“We have a very rich toolbox at our disposal. It would be ridiculous on my part to start speculating on what may or may not happen​,” Rybakov said on ABC’s “This Week.” “I can assure you that different options are on the table and consideration is being given to all sorts of things.”​

12 Comments on Trump’s “Collusion Buddy” Orders US Diplomats Out of Russia

  1. Tonight on CNN, the Most Trusted Network to bring you fake news, our 24 hour panel will discuss this obvious bluff by Trump and Putin to cover up their collusion.

  2. I can’t find what any of the sanctions are, if somebody can post a link thanks.

    There is no evidence that Russia meddled with the election except for dumping money into the Clinton foundation and large payments for clinton speeches.

    Trump should veto because the most horrid thing I could find about the bill is that it gives CONGRESS the POWER to control sanctions against any country. Not good. NOT GOOD.

    If he vetoes giving congress new powers against every country the bill will be repackaged without the clause cutting the president out of international relations.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  3. @Zonga:
    Very interesting premise you’ve got there…and no, Congress must not be given power such as this! Absolutely NOT!

    @VietVet: You cracked me up so, I went into a prolonged coughing fit! Too damned funny!!!

  4. Is there a statute on the books for willful interference with diplomatic relations to a foreign country?

    If there is, the charges are late being filed against the DNC, CNN, CBS, ABC and Fox.

    Chances are, out of that 750+ being booted, 2 or 3 of ’em were doing important work.

  5. So, what’s Columbia’s exit strategy? The “sanctions” are because Russia threw the American election. So the “sanctions” will be lifted… when? Is Russia supposed to invade America, put down deplorable local resistance, and install Hillary Clinton as the Russian quisling? To make up for their interference?

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