$15 Bucks an Hour Can’t Help Unique “Pinky” Parsha – IOTW Report

$15 Bucks an Hour Can’t Help Unique “Pinky” Parsha

She works for Facebook, but the rent is too damn high in Silicone Valley.

This is a CRISIS, I tell ya. So either the gubmint has to force Silicone Valley into lowering their rent, or force Facebook into providing a LIVING WAGE in the area where they do bidness.

Do we want to see more Pinkies living in their car?

34 Comments on $15 Bucks an Hour Can’t Help Unique “Pinky” Parsha

  1. Hey. She’s working. She’s trying. Maybe a little extra pay from Facebook would help? Or maybe a few bucks from moonbeam Brown would help? He doesn’t seem to mind pissing money away on illegals.

  2. Wait, ain’t Zuckerberg the one advocating for universal basic wage? And he doesn’t even pay his employees enough to keep a roof over their pink corn rowed heads?

  3. I know lets bring in a few million more immigrants. Toilet paper and diaper sales will increase, so will gdp, so well all be richer. Paul krugman and jeb both said so.

  4. Housing prices in the Bay Area are obscene. Shacks are going for 1 mill plus. Unskilled labor is leaving by the butt load headed for RENO hoping to get on with IGT or Tesla. 95% are Libs. On the flip side of the coin who are all those manufacturers that are still parked in the Bay Area going to get to do assembly work? The good news is the housing prices in the Silicon Valley are driving our home prices up. Timing will be everything.

  5. Back when I earned too little in a high priced area we had roommates. It was a pain in the ass sometimes, but I didn’t sleep in my car. That’s what waiters and retail people did to survive.

  6. “Are those drive-in food tray marks on her car window frame?”

    Nope, seen those before. Molar imprints from the delay between the order kiosk and the delivery window.

    Medical term is ‘cheeseburger anticipationous’.

  7. Could you imagine the stench?

    What’s up with the prog reporter? He fcuking name is Parsh-uh, it isn’t fcuking Parsh-aye. I bet that fat hog scolded that white bitch for calling her Parsh-uh.

  8. Oooo, I’ll wager all that “Lookie over here, you can’t miss me! PINK” really, really STINKS–unless the trunk contains a collapsible shower replete with gallons of HOT water!?!

  9. Something smells in Silicone Valley and it could be this story. Facebook job. Really? Her persomal style doesn’t seem to fit the millennial corporate look at Facebook unless she’s housekeeping. Student loans, hmmm. She’s probably using EBT which is accepted at McDonalds in some states – obviously, she’s no starving.
    “Pinky” could be earnest, or a scam queen looking for sympathy from bleeding heart liberals. More than likely she’s just an awful money manager.

  10. She could always ask pimple pussed Suckerberg to let her live in his mansion but he has a great big beautiful wall all around his property and armed guards paid to keep the riff raff out! Besides, he likes to spend what he does spend of his gold on illegal foreign criminals and not on true blue Americans!

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