Wolf Blitzer Humiliates Colleague Over Quality Of Her White House Sources – IOTW Report

Wolf Blitzer Humiliates Colleague Over Quality Of Her White House Sources

DC: Things got awkward on CNN on Friday when anchor Wolf Blitzer seemed to criticize one of the network’s reporters over the quality of her White House sources.

In a dialogue with Gloria Borger, Blitzer told the veteran White House reporter that sources who told her that former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus would not be fired on Friday “are not good sources.”

“You’ve got to be careful with those sources down the road,” Blitzer advised Borger in a tense exchange.

“Either they don’t know what they’re talking about, or they’re lying. So those sources presumably will go away,” he continued, adding in the dig: “That’s my experience as a reporter.”  more here  [Video]

9 Comments on Wolf Blitzer Humiliates Colleague Over Quality Of Her White House Sources

  1. The great turning away from Fake News has begun now that the scandal microscope is shifting to the Dems. Although the term “Fake News” will still be around. It will be used to describe factual news about Dem corruption.

  2. Wolf shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses. I’m sure he’s had his fair share of fake informants with fake info dropped into his lap where he couldn’t wait to get on the air to blab away.

  3. All Blitzer is doing is creating a plausible excuse to the minds of the American people as to why we’ll be hearing less and less from leaks.

    I think the leakers have been, or are beginning to get purged.

    Blitzer is again exposing CNN as a spy agency with an anti-american agenda.

    Sources = leakers.

  4. So now even Wolf Blitzer is calling out FAKE NEWS?

    Wow, Trump’s magic is working quite well. They are now accusing each other of fake news.

    Well done Trump!

  5. Priebus brought from RNC the typical DC staffer types– 20-somethings, breathless with exciting new titles and “access”, too young and inexperienced for positions which require maturity, self-control and judgement.

    This contributes to the leaker mentality. It’s an odd feature of D.C. that ridiculously young individuals often are handed spending power and making national policy…when the same individuals would be entry-level intern gophers in the private sector…if they could get hired at all.
    But them a $5 drink and 30 seconds of flattery and they’ll spew everything they know.
    As O’Keefe’s videos of CNN staffers shows.

    Kelly will be a shock to these kids. When he’s done “bringing order” most of Priebus’ kids will be gone and median WH Staff age will be closer to 40 than 23.

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