Hey, I Accidentally Destroyed My Bookmark File! – IOTW Report

Hey, I Accidentally Destroyed My Bookmark File!

Now’s the chance to tell me your number 3 top bookmarks that you can recommend I use!

Why not? 4 years of bookmarks down the drain, so, let’s rebuild bigger and better!


48 Comments on Hey, I Accidentally Destroyed My Bookmark File!

  1. I’m barely bookmark literate. I must have thousands of bookmarks from every conceivable source. Most of mine are how-to (remove dried paint from vinyl, when to prune big-leaf hydrangeas, ladder safety..). Rather boring, I imagine.

    I didn’t know people had a top three or four bookmarks.

  2. My main machine recently suffered a major hard drive failure. For the two weeks it took to get a new drive installed and transfer all the data, I was pleasantly surprised to see that iCloud had automatically saved all my settings and preferences.

  3. BTW, I don’t believe for a minute that those bookmarks were “accidentally” deleted. I suspect this is just a sneaky way for BFH to pick up some cool new ones that he doesn’t already have.

    But as someone whose name I can’t recall once (in)famously said, “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”


    Hey… why you gotta blow my cover??? lol -bfh

  4. A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
    xkcd updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


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  5. Laptop or desktop? I do a weekly backup of all my (Windows) pc’s with Macrium Reflect. Free for personal use, easy to do, and it runs under Windows without booting to DOS. It has a function to create a startup disk for recovery. All you need is a second drive to store the backups on. If a drive dies, replace it, start with the disk and restore to the new drive. Great for swapping drives, testing, and of course, keeping the family computer ready to restore when the unthinkable happens to all your photos, etc.
    As far as just your bookmarks (favorites) go, export the list to a file for a quick backup once a week.
    Hope you get back to “normal” on the pc soon. Good Luck.

  6. Go to Gateway Pundit and look at their blog roll, same for Blazing Cat Fur and Bare Naked Islam.

    Have you ever posted something from Twitchy? I don’t think you have.

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