Kellyanne Conway May Be The Next Communications Director – IOTW Report

Kellyanne Conway May Be The Next Communications Director

DC: There is chatter within the White House that Kellyanne Conway is being looked at as the next communications director, an executive branch insider told The Daily Caller.

Anthony Scaramucci was ousted Monday as communications director following a week of publicly feuding with former chief of staff Reince Priebus. Scaramucci called Priebus a “paranoid schizophrenic” in an interview President Trump viewed as inappropriate, according to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  more

11 Comments on Kellyanne Conway May Be The Next Communications Director

  1. Rumor has it, that’s what’s going to happen. Love Kellyanne’s fighting spirit. Her parents deserve multiple high fives for raising such an independent young woman.

  2. Incredible, impressive woman. I’m all for her, in any capacity she and POTUS decide.

    Comm Director wouldn’t require her to do daily briefings, that’s the Press Secretary, although she could define Director’s role however she likes.
    She’s an amazingly effective spokesman and communicator. I’d expect her to continue her TV appearances.

    You go, Kellyanne.

  3. Kellyanne more than holds her own with the opposition. Most recently in her appearance with the obstinate Chris Wallace on Sunday she wouldn’t let him stop her from saying what she wanted to say.
    Then when all is done, she always ends the interview with a sincere sweet smile.

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