Trump Gets a Resignation From Obama DHS Employee Communing With Radical Islamists – IOTW Report

Trump Gets a Resignation From Obama DHS Employee Communing With Radical Islamists

Independent Sentinel-

Conservative Review writer Jordan Schachtel announced the resignation of an Obama leftover in the Department of Homeland Security who regularly communed with fringe Islamic radicals. Ironically, George Selim was in charge of the  ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ unit.

Selim clashed with Trump, Bannon and Gorka reportedly as the President attempted to dump Obama’s past policies. The frustrated Selim decided he had to leave.

The way he defined his job required him to meet with CAIR leaders hundreds of times. CAIR is tied to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Countering Violent Extremism unit or CVE has also become a slush fund for CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Under President Obama, countless Muslim Brotherhood-connected groups shuffled in and out of the White House to stake their claims in the debate, Schachtel wrote.

He added that these groups share an extremist, caliphatist worldview shared by the likes of ISIS and al-Qaida.

The CVE philosophy is to fight violent extremists with Salafi clergy who are as extreme but allegedly not violent.

Daniel Greenfield says that what it amounts to is paying Muslims to argue with other Muslims on social media. The hope is the Muslims we pay are good extremists. It does, however, also encourage partnering with Islamic terrorists.


ht/ all too much

5 Comments on Trump Gets a Resignation From Obama DHS Employee Communing With Radical Islamists

  1. Another hairbrained muzzie gets a boot up his ass. The jug eared traitor has sewn these animals in every corner of government. Digging them out for disposal is slow and tedious work.

  2. I knew I’d seen this moron before. He testified about 2 yrs ago before some useless congressional hrg some jibberish Islamic “outreach” federal program, seeking I believe about $10 mil.
    Apparently it was never funded, the guy couldn’t describe exactly what said program provided, how it was structured, staffed, funded, or target communities. Even the democrats on the committee were baffled.
    That he remained employed @ DHS is no surprise. I can’t recall seeing a white person in Jeh’s DHS army.

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