The Biggest Scandal in DC – IOTW Report

The Biggest Scandal in DC

31 Comments on The Biggest Scandal in DC

  1. Gee Wally, a nuther democRAT scandal and once again Woodward and Bernstein are nowhere to be found!!

    Yeah Beave, those two Bought & Paid For Poltroons couldn’t find a democRAT scandal if it walked into the room and sat down in front of them!

    Ya mean like THIS one?


  2. Looks like an evil Tiny Tim.

    Anybody ask Hillary why she hired DWS seconds after DWS resigned on shame from the DNC? Maybe she’ll tell us what happened in her next book.

  3. Y’no ……. she gives a pretty good blowjob (even with those shark-like teef) … and lookin like that, I’m more beklined to call on her!

    Don’t tell Jill … oh wait … shit

    did I rite that out loud?

  4. they say that the only way a Democrat Party politician can get convicted from a poltical scandal is if the politician is caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl.

    It looks like Aswan The Islamic was banging her greezy ass so maybe we’ll see her convicted after all.

  5. mansfield lovell, confederate statueless general, I’m pretty sure that “live boy” now applies as a resume enhancement for Democrats. “Dead Girl?” They’re working on it…

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