‘Ironclad’: In Nearly Hour-Long Phone Call, Japan’s Abe Stands with Trump on North Korea – IOTW Report

‘Ironclad’: In Nearly Hour-Long Phone Call, Japan’s Abe Stands with Trump on North Korea

National Security-

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and American President Donald Trump vowed to take “concrete actions” to discourage further North Korean belligerence following yet another missile launch last week in an extended phone conversation Monday.

“I completely agreed with President Trump that we, too, have to take further action. We will proceed with concrete actions to heighten the system and capabilities for defense,” Abe told reporters following the conversation Monday, according to Japan’s Asahi Shimbun.  The rest is here

4 Comments on ‘Ironclad’: In Nearly Hour-Long Phone Call, Japan’s Abe Stands with Trump on North Korea

  1. If you want to put the Chinese and Norks back on their heels just move a few mobile launched icbm’s to Japans mainland. Then announce that the U.S. is giving them operational control. Their memory of WWII and Japans brutality still terrifies them.

  2. Robert W Coshland – “We have watched since Bill Clinton days North Korea’s steady march towards its goal of being a full fledged Nuclear power with the ability to fire armed ICBM’s to the USA. At the same time threatening our country to unleash their weapons. All the talk from our side along with giving the North, food and aid has changed nothing. Last year we were told they are years away from miniaturizing the components to enable a full operational Nuclear ICBM. Now we hear it’s less than a year away! We continue to state that China is the key to stopping them. China remarks they don’t have the ability to do what we wish. China is the main source of energy, food and other critical materials to keep the North functioning. This aid could quickly be replaced by Russia , should China try to stop aid. The North cannot sustain a war it’s infrastructure and capabilities are very limited. They can’t even maintain a single airline system. We are told they have 30 to 40,000 artillery pieces pointed at Seoul only miles from the border. We are moving to a point that should we make an attack a nuclear tipped ICBM could be launched against the USA as a last resort. We are being threatened , as well as Japan, and South Korea. Arming Japan and South Korea isn’t the answer. We have been “kicking the can” down the road for twenty years. Past administrations have been ignoring the threat, and have been inept in their responsibility.”

    Doing the North Korea Thing – https://www.facebook.com/robert.coshland/posts/10213142608457576

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