America is a Downright Mean Country – IOTW Report

America is a Downright Mean Country

Troubling Report Confirms Roads Not Paved With Gold – Many Americans Forced Into Labor.

WASHINGTON—In a sobering new report that lays bare a hard truth about today’s economy, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed Monday that many Americans have no choice but to make ends meet by getting up and going to work every day. “There are more than 100 million adults in this nation who, to provide for themselves and their families, must wake up in the morning, get out of bed, and go to a job where they are required to complete a series of tasks assigned to them by a supervisor,” the report read in part, noting that all demographic groups were equally likely to resort to almost daily employment just to scrape by. “This is the harsh reality so many are forced to grapple with. Perhaps most troubling is the fact that if they don’t get up and go to work, they will lose their job and find themselves completely cut off from a source of income that they desperately need to keep their heads above water.”

-The Onion

18 Comments on America is a Downright Mean Country

  1. As an individual, you are a lot better off being successful in a mean country, than you are by receiving handouts in a really nice country. Like they say, eventually you run out of other people’s money. Now get your ass to work.

  2. Growing up, Fear of not Having Food – Gas Money or any Fun Money Was What Drove Me to Work Hard . Then Came The Matter of Having a Family to Support, and Again Fear of Failure Drives You ! Today the Fear is Gone, and That’s a Problem !!!

  3. As Joe “Plugs” Biden put it, “Just three letters: J.O.B.S.”

    The difference between conservatives and the Left is that we find dignity and freedom through our work, however humble that work may be. The Left looks down upon those who get their hands dirty, break a sweat in real toil, or sacrifice hours to get improve their lot.

  4. I’ve had a job (requiring a SS#) since I was sixteen; I am now staring at retirement. It’s pretty scary, the whole not having to be somewhere every day. I think they call it “Stockholm Syndrome.”

  5. How about this for a shit job?
    In high school I worked with a crazy Cherokee roofer who was a sensible guy until he hit the sauce. I humped bundles of shingles, shake shingles, tar buckets, tar paper up and down ladders. Back breaking even for a 17 year old.
    One morning Keith showed up to pick me up for the day’s work and we took off. I immediately sensed that even at 7am he was toasted. He said that he knew a short cut and we were careening down the sandy roads outside Carson City, weaving back and forth until he finally lost control and high centered the truck in the sand, way away from civilization.

    Assessing our options we decided to hike (Keith staggered more than hiked) to the Carson river. Turns out there was no road there. So I found a dead tree with a fork in it. Dragged it down to the river and we piled on.
    Keith got in the crotch of the tree belly down and said “she’s pretty sweet’ did a couple of dry humps and passed out. For the next 6 hours I poled our way down the river as the drunken Cherokee slept it off.

    Until the spillway came up. I poled like crazy to get us ashore. Fortunately there was a road there and we got a ride home. But I didn’t get paid. And that was the end of the road for us.

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