Allah is beating his wife – IOTW Report

Allah is beating his wife

Today, as I was leaving a store I noticed it was raining while the sun was shining.

As I approached my car I passed a moslem couple.  I looked up and said out loud so they could hear, “Allah must be beating his wife”.

The man looked at me funny as I walked past.  The woman looked straight at the ground and wouldn’t make eye contact.

I guess he didn’t get it.  I think she did.

(In the southern United States, a sun shower is said to show that “the devil is beating his wife” because he is angry God created a beautiful day. The rain is said to be his wife‘s tears.)


14 Comments on Allah is beating his wife

  1. I knew about the devil beating his wife but never knew why, and didn’t know those were her tears.

    She didn’t make eye contact with you because she didn’t want it to rain at her home on a sunny day.

  2. If We Can’t See Their Faces , How Can They Ever Be Americans ?
    The Men Don’t Want the Peace, that Could Come if their Women Were Allowed to Speak With American Women !!!
    They Don’t Want To Be at Peace, War is Their Only Proffesion !

  3. “Allah is beating his wife”. That’s a good one. Who knew 6 year olds could cry that much.

    Muslims are evil and every time I have the misfortune to have one cross my path, I look right at them as I make the sign of the cross to ward off evil. Well, truth be told, I do it just to piss them off. And it works.

  4. 💢 Liberals Submit to Islam 💢

    If they submit to rapists coming across our border, give them sanctuary, free college, social programs, elect them to office, why WOULDN’T they continue on with Islam?

  5. Anonymous, what a great idea. THANK YOU! We’ve got worthless effin rag heads around here, all on perpetual welfare. Going to follow your example: stare right at them and make the sign of the cross. Good thinking. They need to get the fuck outta here. Go back to their shitty 4th century hell holes and suck up the smell of shit everywhere. Even when they leave their houses.

  6. @Judgeroybean: I am quite the trouble maker. When my son had to learn about Pisslam in Jr. High, I sent him to school with Robert Spencer books (eg ‘The Truth About Mohammed, Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion’) to read during free reading in homeroom. I’m sure moonbat heads exploded. When he was required to do a project about the 5 pillars of pisslam, he wrote each tenant of that satanic idealogy in a pretty pillar with decorative scrolls on top that actually said, “I will not submit” in Arabic. He took great enjoyment in his under the radar counter moonbat resistance.

  7. Anon what a great idea. Do they sizzle and melt if Holy Water is poured on them?
    Now I’ll have the urge to say ‘Get thee behind me, Satan’. when I see walking Glad bags.

  8. No longer Catholic, but making the sign of the cross is genius, Anonymous! About 7 blocks North of me (here in Chicago) is a great grocery store where I frequently shop. The neighborhood has also become an islamic enclave in just the past year or so–getting creepier by the week!

    Yesterday, I watched 2 ‘future ISIS brides’, if they’re not already, crossing in the middle of the street in their moslem “costumes”. It was 84º and they were in long-sleeved, down-to-the-ground gowns, fully-hijabed–yet one wore a black veil-type thing with an elastic band which allowed only her heavily made-up eyes to be seen. They were jabbering in English with no accent, totally oblivious to the world around them. This is typical behavior, as if they ‘own the streets’ and all traffic should stop for them!

    Those “costumed” in all black are particularly creepy–and I’ll never understand why these women submit to such foolishness which is so very degrading to the female creation.

    My first thought is always:

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