Chuck Schumer declares war on fast food containers – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer declares war on fast food containers

AM: While Congress is wasting time trying to overhaul the failed Obamacare healthcare system, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is working hard to protect Americans from themselves, whether they want his help or not.

Schumer is harping on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to launch investigations into fast food companies and the makers of a new snortable chocolate product because he’s worried Americans aren’t smart enough to assess health ricks without government intervention.


I Hope That’s Chocolate

The Senate’s top Democrat fired off a letter to the FDA in July demanding an investigation into the “raw cacao snuff” Coco Loco, which is marketed by Legal Lean Co. as a legal “runners high” that “will make the music sound better and increase overall happiness.”

The coco powder is sold in an 1/8 ounce tin for $19.99 and is infused with “a special energy blend” that does all kinds of amazing things.

“A sudden rush of serotonin will produce an elevated mood and a state of euphoria similar to the feeling of ecstasy,” the website promises. “Raw cacao will give you a steady rush of euphoric energy and motivation that is great for party goers to dance the night away without a crash. It is even used by athletes to give them the natural competitive edge.”

The website also states plainly that the product is not recommended for children, could impair driving, is not intended to treat any disease, and has not been evaluated by the FDA.  MORE

18 Comments on Chuck Schumer declares war on fast food containers

  1. We would like to see a rating system for toilet tissue. When I’m finished with my dookie, I never know the softness quotient of the toilet paper. My schumer is very sensitive and will not tolerate roughness. Chuckie… please help us…

  2. Good thing Chuck wasn’t wearing his glasses on the tip of his nose like usual. I don’t know what he’s so worried about. If Gwyneth Paltrow sold it for the snizz instead of the schnozz, he’d be totally cool with it.

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