Imagine if our majority leaders were actually on board with the president’s agenda – IOTW Report

Imagine if our majority leaders were actually on board with the president’s agenda

West Virginia governor’s switch from D to R means GOP will have full control of legislative and executive branch in 26 states; Dems have full control in just 6 states

Tonight West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice (D) will announce his intention to join the Republican Party, and the GOP have full control of the legislative and executive branch in 26 states.

Democrats now only have full control of the legislative and executive branch in six states.

Population of GOP-controlled states: 164,139,104

Population of Dem-controlled states: 50,190,213

Read more:

ht/ annie

17 Comments on Imagine if our majority leaders were actually on board with the president’s agenda

  1. Another way to say it, imagine if our majority leaders were not as corrupt as the minority criminals in government. I hate to say it but I’m losing interest. I do support President Trump but the swamp appears to be an ocean.

  2. Now if we could get Gov Terry McAuliffe to pull off a murder/suicide of himself and the Lt Gov we’d be on the right track.
    Planned Parenthood is giving $3m to Lt Gov Northam for his bid to become Gov. this year.

  3. joe6pack — I’ve let the drones drill into my brain this week, too. It feels more like quicksand, sucking everything down.

    PHenry — No better proof that PP doesn’t need tax dollars when they have a war chest big enough to shell out for one guv race, huh?

  4. I still say the road to success in the Senate in 2018 lies in the 10 Democrat seats up for reelection in states that were won by Trump. Every one of those Democrats voted against repeal of O’care. We can overwhelm McCain Collins, etc. and the rest of the RINOs by picking up some or all of those seats.

  5. Here are the democrat senators up in 2018.

    Nelson- FL. Back bencher
    Donnelly- IN. Pence’ home state
    Stabenow- MI. Kid Rock challenging
    McCaskill- MO She’s super creepy
    Tester- MT. Rabidly anti D.C.
    Heitkamp- ND. Who knows who this is?
    Brown- OH. I’ve heard of him. That’s it
    Casey- PA. Another back bencher. Accomplishment free
    Manchin- WV. Voice of reason, right?
    Says the right things. Votes the wrong way.
    Baldwin- WI. Elected to be a thorn in GWB’s side.
    Anti war activist whose expiration date way
    overdue. She’s spoiled yogurt.

  6. I meant to say these are Democrat Senators up for reelection in Trump states. There are many others up as well. 23 Dems I think. Elizabeth Warren and Timmy Kaine are among them. Sounds like Mass may have a formidable opponent against Warren. Virginia has an OK one against Kaine, but establishment doesn’t like him. We’ll see.

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