Purge them… now… – IOTW Report

Purge them… now…

I like John Nolte. I’ve liked him way back when he almost exclusively covered the Hollywood scene on Breitbart.

But John asks a question, and then qualifies it, and I think he gets it wrong.

Why would any sane country open their doors to welfare recipients? (Refugees, of course, are a different story.)

Because this country is not sane. They lie to their people and say they are bringing in refugees when we damn well know they aren’t.

So, a sane country shuts down the refugee program. It cannot be trusted.

The rest of the article, however, is great-

Just as we saw after seven years of empty promises about repealing Obamacare (whoopsies, there goes another one!), the Republican Party, although completely in charge of the federal government, continues to obstruct the Republican agenda. Just hours after President Trump unveiled his support for promised immigration reform (drafted by two Republican senators), or what is called the Reforming American Immigration for a strong Economy Act (RAISE), two other Republican Senators, Lindsey Graham and Ron Johnson, came out in full force against it. Jeff Flake cannot be far behind.

Here is part of Graham’s statement:

Unfortunately, the other part of this proposal would reduce legal immigration by half, including many immigrants who work legally in our agriculture, tourism and service industries.

South Carolina’s number one industry is agriculture and tourism is number two. If this proposal were to become law, it would be devastating to our state’s economy which relies on this immigrant workforce.


15 Comments on Purge them… now…

  1. The government of the US is in rebellion against the citizens. They are operating outside the Constitution and without consequence. Unless or until the citizens decide to stand against this, the United States as a sovereign republic is finished.

  2. This bullshit about needing agriculture workers is a lame excuse. They make up only about 15% of immigrants. The rest are on the taxpayers back. Farmers also receive many subsidies. Same goes for tech workers.

  3. If we didn’t have welfare all these jobs would be filled by Americans. As a side benefit, we’d have a miniscule population of drug addicts and murdering thugs in cities.

  4. Both parties cannot be trusted. Trump, as an outsider of the party system, vows to drain the swamp. The swamp creatures don’t want to see their gravy trains derail.

    If we cannot trust either party, time to get rid of both of them. It’s not just the infighting, it’s the lying, the back-stabbing, the murders (by Hillary, et.al.) , the incompetence, the corruption, the deception.

  5. Good article…but I think when he referenced refugees, he meant ACTUAL refugees, *not* “refugees” AKA RAPEfugees or NoHablo Militia.

    It’s just that the term has been abused: for so long; I call it EUPHEMASIA
    (euthanized euphemisms…)

  6. I’ve been saying for a long time we can blame Congress and the Senate who deserve blame, but ultimately the people are to blame. They send the same corrupt idiots back to d.c. time and time again. I get there are times nobody primaries them,but even when they do have an option they vote for the same scum.

  7. Ron Johnson is a nightmare. He won re-election last November so now he has a good 5 years to be the liberal obstructionist he is. And what is so frustrating is all the so called elitist Republicans always pimp him as a solid reliable Republican. I guess in their world he is.

  8. “…our state’s economy…relies on this immigrant workforce.”

    very insincere statement on his part.

    farm labor is also skilled labor so therefore is a desirable immigrant even if only temporary and if they have a farm labor job they will not be taking welfare (or shouldn’t be).

    this asshole knows we are talking about illegal immigrants who come here to abuse the welfare system and the citizen population. he most assuredly voted in laws which allowed illegal immigrant to stay here and get welfare in the first place.

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