Jin Acosta Describes His Role As a Reporter To 2 Other Leftist “Reporters” – IOTW Report

Jin Acosta Describes His Role As a Reporter To 2 Other Leftist “Reporters”

Acosta says, in a roundabout way, that they are “winning the argument” with the Trump administration.

That’s their role.

12 Comments on Jin Acosta Describes His Role As a Reporter To 2 Other Leftist “Reporters”

  1. Mini Clooney’s Got No Clue that White Women Were Often Hotel Maids, and it Was a Good Job ! Trump Would Hire them if They Applied, But they Don’t Want to Be Taunted by Mexican Co-workers !!!

  2. CNN can’t disappear fast enough to suit me.

    About 35 years ago I sat next to a local (Atlanta) “news anchor” in a complete dive burger joint in Marietta, GA. This smug, know-it-all that knew nothing, sack of dung jerk was regaling the people at his table with his “insider” knowledge about everything on earth. No one at his table could say anything without him correcting or clarifying things for them.

    That was when I first realized that there really were people in the world that were so self centered that they truly couldn’t see reality for their own biases. I realized that the talking heads I watched on the news were arrogant, self centered, self impressed morons that sat in front of a camera with a microphone.

    The jerk is still on the air on the same station, but he has a very limited amount of appearances on non-important stories these days. Jim Acosta is this asshole 35 years ago.

  3. Ummmm……all you presstitute dudes and dudettes……your job is to REPORT. It’s in your job description title, “Reporter”. Nowhere does it say anything about “arguer” or “debater”.

  4. He wants to be the center of attention at these news conferences. He’s really too dimwitted to be effective, as was demonstrated the other day. He’ll keep being a disruptive pest until the shepherds hook jerks him by the neck out of the room.

  5. Jim Accosted wins the Stupidest Asshole Prize for this week.

    I took a logic & ethics class once. I’m a little rusty but here goes….
    Editors are supposed to give their OPINION of the news.
    Reporters and journalists are supposed to REPORT THE NEWS.
    Jim Accosted is not an editor.
    Therefore, Jim Accosted is a stupid fucking asshole.

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