In just 2 years, LA County paid $1.3B in welfare to illegal aliens – IOTW Report

In just 2 years, LA County paid $1.3B in welfare to illegal aliens

  (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)


Illegal alien families got nearly $1.3 billion in welfare from Los Angeles County during 2015 and 2016. That’s close to 1/4 of the amount spent on the county’s entire population.

The data comes from the county Department of Public Social Services, which is responsible for handing out the welfare benefits.

But, with Trump as President, there may be a decline in people seeking benefits. Los Angeles County is expected to hand out $200 million less this year than in 2016, and several thousand fewer families will get benefits.


11 Comments on In just 2 years, LA County paid $1.3B in welfare to illegal aliens

  1. Cut off federal welfare to California until they can verify that every citizen getting it, is legal. See how quickly the streets fill with angry people demanding California government hurry the hell up about it.


    When are they going to EXPLOIT members of the democrat party that hate each other?

    Welfare blacks against illegal welfare Mexicans?

    Gays / Feminists vs. Islam?

    Asians vs. affirmative action?

    They will be at each other’s throats until the party implodes. But no, Republicans couldn’t exploit a rainy day to give away free umbrellas.

  3. You don’t understand! This is government money that multiplies many times when it is spent. And since the government gets a cut every time it passes hands it generates more money than they started with.
    Oh boy, I can see that Nobel Prize participation medal hanging around my neck already.

  4. Yeah, but look on the plus side:
    Five families in a 2-bedroom house
    Urination and defecation in public
    Libraries destroyed
    Rat-people infesting the Parks
    Motor vehicle violations
    Parking violations
    Car accidents without insurance

    and don’t forget – voting Demonrat!

    izlamo delenda est …

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