Jeb Bush says DWS has ‘Terrible Judgment’ – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush says DWS has ‘Terrible Judgment’

High Energy.

Jeb Bush Rips Wasserman Schultz’s ‘Terrible Judgment’ In House IT Scandal

23 Comments on Jeb Bush says DWS has ‘Terrible Judgment’

  1. Jeb’s masters are just irritated that she’s distracting from the Trumprussia show. The deep state nevtrump column sent him out to make a pro forma condemnation, so they can consider the matter addressed and move on.

  2. Bill Kristol must have emailed !Jeb! that he will be anointed again in 2020, once Uncle Bob Mueller sends the Mean Bully Man away to Deep State jail.

    Sessions would probably feel much more comfortable as Jeb’s AG.

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