Aint’ That America – IOTW Report

Aint’ That America

Love this picture…

Via An American Website

17 Comments on Aint’ That America

  1. Wanted to buy a new “Winged Wonder” after graduation. My Dad had other ideas.
    He was right, I’d have killed myself or racked up enough tickets to fund the state of Ohio for a few generations.

  2. Fun fact: Dodge came out with the Daytona Charger first for NASCAR racing. Richard Petty wanted to race one, but he was contractually required to only drive Plymouths, so he said F.U. and quit racing for Plymouth. Plymouth scrambled and quickly came out with their version, the Super Bird (pictured) and got Petty back on the track in a Plymouth.

  3. I’ve got a few Wood and Hart original signed lithographs with some Gordon Grant’s too. Real good stuff, and that’s a great question Dr. Tar. Amazingly enough if you get into the thick of it you can find the same culture they painted alive today. Urban liberal sprawl can’t exist without the backbone to keep it alive.

  4. We actually have a SuperBird here on island, yellow version. I was fricking SHOCKED to see it driving down the road.

    I was driving so I couldn’t get a pic.

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