The Mentally Ill Are the Most Vulnerable – The Left Has Always Been Exploiting Them – IOTW Report

The Mentally Ill Are the Most Vulnerable – The Left Has Always Been Exploiting Them

Whether it’s for votes, to hire as protesters, or harvest their organs, the left has always exploited the mentally ill.

Netherlands and Belgium are Euthanizing Mentally Ill Patients and Harvesting Their Organs.


In my very first anti-euthanasia column, published by Newsweek in 1993, I worried that once medicalized killing became accepted, it would soon be joined by “organ harvesting as a plum to society.”

“Alarmist!” I was called. “Slippery slope arguer!” It will never happen, I was assured.

Until it did.

Now in both Netherlands and Belgium, mentally ill and disabled patients are voluntarily euthanized and their organs harvested after being killed. Canada is discussing joining the infamous duo.

I have waited for the organ transplant community to rise up and reject conjoining killing and organ donation. It has been a wait mostly in vain.

Indeed, a letter in the current Journal of the American Medical Association merely warns against haste in widely instituting such a policy due to safety concerns:

I urge caution before this practice is widely accepted. First, only short-term functional outcomes immediately after transplantation and at 6 months are available. Second, warm ischemia, an inevitable consequence of organ donation after cardiac death, results in greater risk for transplanted organs…

There is a need to study long-term outcomes of transplanted organs resulting from euthanasia so that truly informed consent can be obtained.

How starkly utilitarian can you get?


h/t hope betrayed

15 Comments on The Mentally Ill Are the Most Vulnerable – The Left Has Always Been Exploiting Them

  1. How does a mentally ill person give consent? A college age woman who has consumed 1 drink is deemed to be unable to consent to sex.

    How slippery is the slope towards coerced consent, and then statutory consent?

    Over age 70? You are deemed to have consented to immediate organ donation…

  2. The Democrat party is the best organized, best funded, and largest terrorist enabling organization in the world (Muslims, Communists, and liberals)!

    The Democrat party is the best organized, best funded, and largest murder enabling organization in the world (abortion and euthanasia)!

    The Democrat Party is the best organized, best funded and largest pervert enabling organization in the world (LGBTP&E)!

  3. There are NO unintended consequences.
    There are NO paradoxes.
    The child is the father to the man.
    This was as predictable as: “a falling apple will hit the ground.”

    Sow Corn: Reap Corn.
    Sow Wheat: Reap Wheat.
    Sow Evil: Reap Evil.

    Enslave Yourself: Be Treated as a Slave.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Better transplant outcomes when the “donor” is still alive.
    So organ harvesting will be done as a sedated vivisection. Multi-organ surgery ending as planned with euthanasia once the victim has been fully “partsed out”.
    Don’t forget while blood, hair for wigs, dental fillings, cornea, the inventory is extensive.

    Frankenstein. Dr. Mengele. Soylent Green.
    And The State owns and controls all subjects.

  5. This travesty is the next logical step when a human life is cheapened and anyone with a flaw is considered a waste product. I try to put myself in the mind of someone who could approve of this hideous practice but it’s too chilling.

  6. Organ transplants are creepy enough without adding euthanasia into the mix. It chills my blood when I see people with a sick child pleading for an organ on TV. It’s sad that their child is dying, but essentially they are praying that someone else’s child dies so that theirs may live. I have dealt with these organ procuring ghouls in hospitals, circling the death beds of loved ones like vultures. Told them to FOAD. Had another relative contacted about donating her son’s organs by the vultures before the hospital had even contacted her as next of kin to let her know that her son had been taken to hospital. So, yeah, I’m not a big fan of organ donation.

  7. The Belgians and the Dutch learned well from Hitler’s 1930’s Eugenics program and the National Socialists learned well from the American leftist Margaret Sanger’s anti-Black Planned Parenthood abortion program.

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