What is London Mayor’s solution to knife crimes? Remove the videos of knife crimes – IOTW Report

What is London Mayor’s solution to knife crimes? Remove the videos of knife crimes

WND: WASHINGTON – London’s Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, wants to address rising violence and unrest in the U.K. capital with a campaign of censorship, calling on YouTube to take down videos about gang violence and knife crime.

London is indeed in the midst of a violent crime wave, with knives being the weapon of choice.

Knife crimes have risen by 24 percent over the last year in London, and crime is up in almost every other category as well, according to figures released by the Metropolitan police.

So Khan wants the information about such issues put behind a wall.


12 Comments on What is London Mayor’s solution to knife crimes? Remove the videos of knife crimes

  1. we’re so lucky to have had some courageous colonists who threw the limeys’ tea in the drink and broke off from these smug assholes, the likes of whom continue to vote for their own destruction

  2. Have the Brits learned nothing about appeasement?

    Maybe they need another Blitz to wake them up — their enemy within will keep hammering them and plays for keeps.

  3. Khan represents the fence straddling diversity of a Nancy-Boy whose fealty lies more with goat humping savages than with civilized society. That’s not saying much as what we call civilized doesn’t have the balls to tell this flea biter to go back to Mecca.

  4. If My People Were Running around Pooping Where They Stand Like Horses, Unbathed and Having No Desire To Bathe…Stabbing Anyone they Dislike and Raping Young Girls ! Then I Would do Anything To Keep it Private…Like a Tent Beating !!!

  5. Pretty phucking sad in londinstan that you have to wear goddamn chainmail from the waist to your neck to keep from being stabbed by a butthurt muzzie isn’t it?

    Muzzies just getting their muzzie on.

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