Day Campy – IOTW Report

Day Campy

“Rainbow Day Camp”!!  In El Cerrito, CA.  
Now in its third year, with children coming from as far away as Africa. There are plans for a camp in Colorado next summer, and other cities have contacted them for information.
At check-in each day, campers make a name tag with their pronoun of choice. Some opt for “she” or “he.” Or a combination of “she/he.” Or “they,” or no pronoun at all. Some change their name or pronouns daily, to see what feels right...”
h/t child abuse

10 Comments on Day Campy

  1. The dream of the Left is normalizing pedophilia and making young homosexuals to feed their twisted appetites. God will judge them without mercy and they will all burn for this abuse.

  2. Somebody needs to explain to these children that it’s much easier to live the prinxess lifestyle when you’re actually a forty year old accountant. They need to explain to mumsy that they actually are forty year old accountants. So mumsy better hand over the keys to the Mercedes and the American Express card. Now. NOW! NOW! NOW!


    ”Today, we get to pretend we’re dolphins. So we can squeak instead of talk and best of all, we can butt others with our noses.

    Tomorrow, is Tiger day, so get excited! Scratching , biting, roaring, and pooping and peeing ANYWHERE, to establish your territory, are some things we can do tomorrow.

    Look forward to ‘Peaceful Religion Day’. Lots of chaos, bomb making, abusing women and children younger than you, bring your goat to school, not to mention your weapon of choice. At the end of that day, we can have a stoning of your infidel teachers and staff!’

  4. And I thought it wuz only Common Core they were using to cripple the next generation!
    This is flat out child abuse!

    “until they’re old enough to decide on medical options like puberty blockers”

    Well that happens waaaaay before they reach the age of consent! Until then the parents are responsible. I hope they’re ready to take responsibility for the suicides and hatred they will encounter later on down the line for doing this shit to their kids, but as we all know Mentally defective Progs don’t take responsibility for ANYTHING!

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