Watch Out For China – IOTW Report

Watch Out For China

CHINA – […] Beijing is not able to persuade Washington or Pyongyang to back down at this time. It needs to make clear its stance to all sides and make them understand that when their actions jeopardize China’s interests, China will respond with a firm hand.

China should also make clear that if North Korea launches missiles that threaten US soil first and the US retaliates, China will stay neutral. If the US and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so.

China opposes both nuclear proliferation and war in the Korean Peninsula. It will not encourage any side to stir up military conflict, and will firmly resist any side which wants to change the status quo of the areas where China’s interests are concerned.

It is hoped that both Washington and Pyongyang can exercise restraint. The Korean Peninsula is where the strategic interests of all sides converge, and no side should try to be the absolute dominator of the region. (read more)

via The Conservative Treehouse

North Korea is to China as Cuba was to the Russians. They are geopolitical pawns.

ht/ all too much

23 Comments on Watch Out For China

  1. The mouse that roared. Let’s put China in perspective. Nobody in the Military sweats China. China has ONE aircraft carrier. And it’s a vintage 1964 Soviet hand me down. Their state of the art fighters were designs hacked from us. Do we know where are own plane weak points are? China and Russia’s combined military strength are far behind ours even after Obama. Fuck China. Also, are they going to risk certain financial ruin by fucking with us?

  2. I’m waiting for Kid Kimchee to go for the big pay me in food scheme like his daddy did and to release some of the export sanctions.

    If he fires anything that makes it close here to Guam? He’s phucked.

  3. North Korea is not officially a member of the “Nuclear Club” – yet. If they want to be in the Club, they have to have sponsors. By stating that nothing will be allowed to change the status quo on the Korean Peninsula, China is de facto demanding that we and other Nuclear Club members agree to let them join.

    Curiously, they leave the door open if NK strikes first – which is a violation of Club rules. If that happens and we strike back, they just might look the other way. Or… they might not. It would probably depend on HOW we retaliate. President Trump has distinctly not used the word “nuclear” in his statements, implying that our response would be conventional and overwhelming.

    It’s a nuclear proliferation ‘moment of truth’ that has been hanging over our heads for many decades – as other countries have been allowed in the Club and ARE playing by the rules. The US, UK, France, Israel, India, Pakistan and even Russia would be ill-served by allowing North Korea to retain their nuclear weapons. The country and its leaders simply aren’t sane enough and can’t be trusted.

  4. in the immortal words of Chris Porter … someone needs to calm the fuck down!
    … this is nothing more than hyped up bullshit by the leftist propaganda machine to get Trump to overreact & kick some NORK ass & declare him a warmonger aka BushHitler …. this script has been written so many times it more than a bit boring

    Shakespeare said it best … much ado about nothing …
    .. we now return you to your regular scheduled programming …

  5. Brian K. covering for Tucker Carlson with our Gubner.

    I think back to the scuds and Desert Storm. Dumb rockets just thrown into the air in a mad trajectory and hoping they hit something.

    Our Gubner hit it correctly.

    @Brad, I work at a organization that has the knowledge of that stuff and it’s employment/deployment. Knowing that, my wimmins still know the two safest places in our concrete bunker if we actually get an alert.

    The closing statement by Brian about the Gubner getting up extra
    early for the discussion, it was 10:00 A.M. our time, LOL.

    You know, I’ve got daikon radish and cucumber kimchee in me fridge I gotta eat!!!

    And now to our next subject…….

  6. So, the key words for peeps to learn about this weekend are Aegis ABM, Patriot, THAAD, and a new pork rib kalbi recipe. I also recommend a daikon radish and cucumber fresh kimchi salad. Makes the wife hate yer breath.

    Remember as a kid having a friend throw shit up in the air and you hit it with a shotgun?

    Same same.

  7. If that’s their take on this then I would tell them: Fine, thank you for showing your level of involvement in this. If you don’t get your retarded, little monkey on a chain and he decides to lob anything in our direction, or threatens on of our territories or allies our first response will be to take out Bejing.

  8. Since when does China decide what will be accepted? Screw them. They can find out the hard way too. Their military hardware looks good on the surface but like everything Chinese, it’s a cheap knockoff. Our jets etc aren’t assembled with stapleguns.

  9. to make the industrial feudalist oligarchs that are running Commie China STFU, all we have to do is quietly tell them to stand aside while we do some regime change on the NORKs, unite north & south Korea and then transform the new Korean government into a neutral one – siding with neither China or the USA. It removes the argument among the Chinks for not letting us have a free hand with the insane Kim Family.

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