Male Prostitute O.D.’s On Meth At Big Time Hollywood Dem Supporter’s Home – IOTW Report

Male Prostitute O.D.’s On Meth At Big Time Hollywood Dem Supporter’s Home

Former Democrat Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards is credited with the saying “Never get caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.”
It took Democrat big shot donor Ed Buck to top that one by getting caught with a dead male prostitute, Gemmel Moore, who apparently consumed too much methamphetamine.

Buck reportedly flew Moore from Texas out to his home in West Hollywood because, “Buck got sexual pleasure from giving drugs to young black men and taking photos of them when they got high.”


17 Comments on Male Prostitute O.D.’s On Meth At Big Time Hollywood Dem Supporter’s Home

  1. A degenerate in the Democratic party? Get out! This is a carefully crafted smear campaign. And those breathe mints he’s always sucking on, they’re not to mask anything, and to suggest otherwise is disgusting.

  2. Plantsman,

    Was reading Genesis just last night and that’s pretty much Satan’s tried and true approach, every time.

    1) Question what God said about sin (that opens the door to doubt).
    2) Deny that sin results in the curse of death.
    3) Deny God’s honestly and lovingkindness.
    4) Promise enlightenment for disobeying God.
    5) Promise divinity/deity for disobeying God.
    6) Promise power for disobeying God.

    That formula has worked in one form or another since the Garden, pretty much every time.

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