Born That Way? How About, Decreed That Way? – IOTW Report

Born That Way? How About, Decreed That Way?

The LGBTWHAπœ∫ community has declared a 4 year-old boy gay based on his mannerisms.

The Daily Wire –

LGBT site PinkNews hailed Prince George as a “gay icon” late last month after the young boy, just one day before his fourth birthday, was photographed on a helicopter with his hands on his face.

To most sane people, the photograph showed a young boy excited about helicopters; to some on the Left, the photo revealed a three-year-old’s sexuality.

Of course, beyond being wildly inappropriate (he just turned four!), this is some heavy stereotyping coming from the crowd that allegedly loathes stereotypes.


Hold on a second.

Maybe the kid is a faggot. But maybe he’s a faggot that identifies as a non-faggot.

Did you ever stop to think about that??

ht/ illustr8r

43 Comments on Born That Way? How About, Decreed That Way?

  1. Gavin McInnes is right. Sexualizing little children is abuse.

    It’s contemptible, immoral and perverse.

    These cretins aren’t satisfied with just being perverts themselves. They have to pervert children too.

  2. There’s an almost 100% chance the kid will indeed turn out homosexual, IF he gets raped by a homosexual. Them’s the plain statistics.

    Otherwise, odds are he’ll grow up in a sea of eligible attractive women of his choosing.

  3. I tie it in with the Left targeting our children in their relentless pursuit of bringing down the West. Corrupting the next generation started with Political Correctness, moved on to Common Core (started by an extreme radical Left, pro-Marxist, anti-capitalist, and anti-establishment, America-Hating, bomb-throwing, murdering, self-professed Communist by the name of Bill Ayers) and now with the corruption of little minds that have no concept of sexuality with perversion know that the ability to think straight later on in life will be seriously hindered!! These fiends are enemies of the State and should be treated as such!

  4. Maybe it was windy, loud, etc. and he was just about to plug his ears or whatever. Looks like his dad was talking about a helmet that’s in his hands, too.
    Gay people, seriously… Talk to your hysterical counterparts. Shit like this does not make your community look good.

  5. You can catch people looking really goofy in a still frame. You would need to be a complete moron to make a judgment off that picture from a prepubescent 4 year old. Puberty and hormones can kick shit into high gear. This is a form of Pedophilia as far as I’m concerned.

  6. Benito is right. English males are naturally effeminate. Even English military drill instructors look ridiculous trying to appear intimidating with their effeminate mannerisms and speech patterns. The same girly-man crap is what the snowflakes are all about here, now. It’s sickening.

  7. Young Kate Middileton had finer options then me and that’s why I’m a rodeo clown… should always picture the rodeo clown as the father of the King of England and then we will be square…


    Isn’t it strange the number of Hollywood gays that have encountered sexual abuse as children/teenagers?

    I’m wondering when society will connect the dots.

  9. Perv’s will be Perv’s.The young George is just excited to be in the helicopter.I’v seen Grown Men get really excited over all kinds of Planes, Cars , Engines an they look just like little boy’s. The child should be left alone.

  10. “Grown Men get really excited over all kinds of Planes, Cars , Engines an they look just like little boy’s”

    Hmm, now that I think about it, I might look quite like George at the site of naked breasts.

  11. @Dianny
    “These cretins aren’t satisfied with just being perverts themselves. They have to pervert children too.”
    That’s why the flock to the priesthood – easy pickins…

  12. Jethro

    Nice, No recommendation. I’ve been out of that game for a while. Usually a Bow Tie guy but really like the 66 to 69 Mustangs. Actually I would love to get my hands on one of the new Boss 302s.

  13. I just bought this a few years ago. I was restored 20 years ago but sat in a guy’s garage for all those years and deteriorated. I am slowly fixing the little things.
    My plan is to mothball the original engine and build a stroker windsor using a modern 351 block. Nothing outrageous – about 400 hp.

  14. Now I really hate to interrupt two men talking card, but…I am APPALLED at anyone who writes or is in agreement with the “gay” (really means HAPPY, you know) a-hole who considers little Prince George to be an insufferable homosexual at AGE FOUR! Can it, rump ranger–go puke up someone’s bodily fluid in your once-elegant polar bear rug!!!

  15. Prince George should look at a Victoria’s Secret catalog. A young friend, who all thought was gay, lovingly looked at the pictures of bras, underwear and bikinis and flipped through the pictures of sweaters, shoes and lounging robes very fast. He turned out to be very heterosexual. You just can’t tell when kids are little.

  16. Toddlers have more sense than these idiots. I have a toddler grandson. The other day he was at the grocery store with me and on the way to the car, 2 gay guys were holding hands walking towards the store and smacked lips in front of us. I tried to ignore it to hopefully not draw my grandson’s attention, but he did see it and said, “boys don’t kiss boys, that’s stupid.” He’s a toddler who has never been told about anything, yet he knew there was something wrong with that picture. Thank goodness by the time we got to the car he had forgotten about it and was more concerned with his new hotwheels

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