Congressman Circulates Letter To Ask For Mueller To Appear In Public Congressional Hearing – IOTW Report

Congressman Circulates Letter To Ask For Mueller To Appear In Public Congressional Hearing

DailyCaller: Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin is asking for congressmen to sign onto a letter requesting that special counsel Robert Mueller appear publicly in a congressional hearing, The Daily Caller has learned.

Mueller, who is investigating Russian election interference and possible ties between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, has come under intense criticism from allies of President Donald Trump for hiring attorneys who have donated to Democratic candidates and for his personal relationship with former FBI Director James Comey. Trump himself has called Mueller’s employment of Democratic donors “ridiculous,” yet he maintains that he has no plans to dismiss the special counsel.

Babin’s letter, which was obtained by TheDC, was sent out to congressmen Thursday and asks for members to cosign a letter he plans to send to House Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley.

“Every nominee for United States Attorney must be confirmed by the Senate, a process that brings to the forefront any concerns regarding the nominee’s ability to hold their position in a decent and impartial manner. However, as Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his team of lawyers investigate our very own president, we as a nation wait in the dark with very little information about those given this great authority,” Babin wrote in the letter to his fellow representatives.

Babin writes in the letter that there are “serious concerns” about conflicts of interest with regard to members of Mueller’s counsel who donated “generously” to Democrats or even represented Clinton herself.  more here

12 Comments on Congressman Circulates Letter To Ask For Mueller To Appear In Public Congressional Hearing

  1. It may never happen, but Brian Babin is a good guy. He is my congressman and he is an Air Force veteran who is a patriot. His son was a Navy SEAL. I’ve spoken to him on several occasions and he’s one of us and trying to do what he can in Washington. His daughter-in-law is Jenna Lee, formerly of FOX News.

  2. It would only turn into a festival of Dems and RINOs to see who could give Mueller the most fulsome taint-washing, followed by a standing ovation and high fives all around at the conclusion of questioning. McCain would get off his deathbed just to be there. And then it’ ” Mueller DESTROYS Republicans with this one answer” for two weeks in the MSM. No thanks, I’ll pass.

  3. @Hambone August 12, 2017 at 6:41 pm

    > Brian Babin is a good guy.

    Then he’s the dullest tool in the shed.

    “Babin writes in the letter that there are ‘serious concerns’ about conflicts of interest with regard to members of Mueller’s counsel”

    No one can read another’s mind. Not even Miss Cleo. The “conflict of interest” regulations are designed to disrupt the APPEARANCE of corruption. Actual, provable, corruption is another, separate CRIME. So, is there an undiscovered APPEARANCE of POSSIBLE corruption? Or has that train already left the station? (With all boxcars empty.)

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