President Trump has a few words for Jim Acosta – IOTW Report

President Trump has a few words for Jim Acosta

14 Comments on President Trump has a few words for Jim Acosta

  1. Good for President Trump, never flinch nor waver with these lying fucking cunts. That riot reeks to high heaven of a choreographed agitator event specifically designed to smear Trump.

  2. Acosta is a rude, arrogant smart ass, not a journalist.
    Give CNN an ultimatum, get rid of Costa or lose your press pass.

    We’ll see him on “F” Street at the Shake Shack flipping burgers and making shakes.

  3. How many press conferences does Trump need to do for this? He already gave them 2 statements. Do they want him to personally investigate the entire state? Start with Macauliffe.

  4. Then the cut to the CNN broad, “Okay, so..” Gholly, she’s a miserable crunt fake news spreading whore just to give credibility to Trump when they don’t even know it. Can’t make this up. Brooke Baldwin? She was on page 3 of a search for CNN hosts propagandists.

  5. And that is why unless Trump screws up big time himself, he is not going to lose his base and gains more support. We’ve been waiting forever for somebody like him to fight back and stick it to the press. The best thing is Trump probably enjoys it and not worried about what they are going to say about him.

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