They “might” press charges – IOTW Report

They “might” press charges

The following is a link to an update to the confederate statue destroyed Durham, NC.
An antifa claims she’s responsible for providing the ladder and rope used to tear down the statue.
There’s a scheduled press conference with Durham Co. Sheriff’s Dept. this afternoon – they “might” press charges. – 99th Squad Leader
Saying they “might” press charges is a signal.
Tear down all the statues you want, as long as they are on the preferred list, and nothing will happen to you.

26 Comments on They “might” press charges

  1. Sure and Mitch McConnell “might” grow a set and start acting like a leader, support Trump and America, too.

    Hillary “might” be prosecuted for pay to play, laundering money in her foundation and Benghazi, too.

    Bergdahl “might” actually be treated like the traitor he is and be prosecuted.

    CNN’s Acosta “might” act like a Journalist.

    Obama, “might” be heterosexual.

    “Might” happen in a Fantasy world.

  2. After allowing the statue to be destroyed because of fear someone could get hurt, (whaaat?) Durham County, NC officials are talking tough. Now, they will seek charges. Wow, just ignore perps in the process of committing a crime – the Durham County Sheriff’s Department will get right on it – later.

  3. These ‘authorities’ are just strengthening the resolve of citizens who are prepared to take their country back.
    From anarchists and from unworthy public servants.

  4. The left has made the claim that crosses do not represent everyone in regard to war memorials. Now they want to tear down Confederate Soldier’s memorials, and only Union Soldier’s memorials are allowed?

  5. It will be interesting to see what the Governor does if the DA for Durham County decides not to press charges. Both state houses are dominated by republicans, the lieutant governor is a republican while the federal senate and congress are almost all republican (3 democrat congressmen out of 13) and the Governor himself was elected on the thinnest of margins (something like .25%) because a Libertarian grabbed 2.5%. If he lets it ride I suspect his political career may be over.

  6. So that statue is somebodys property. Public or private.

    Your car, that’s property.

    If I flip your car, no problem? No jail?

    The statue represents something she hates, history.

    Your car represents something I might hate, you’re a successful person.

    What’s the difference, neighbor?

  7. removing faces from stone mountain? That might leave room for Bracko’s face, you know he would like to get stoned. maybe the whole hope and change team. no to crowded, Bracko alone.

  8. It gets worse. I just heard that NC dem governor is calling for all confed images to be expunged from the state.

    See what happens when your state has better weather, lower real estate prices and lower taxes? Dirt bag north eastern cockroaches overrun your state and change its politics.


  9. Well, I am indeed surprised. From Fox8:

    Takiyah Thompson, 22, was taken into custody shortly after protesters held a news conference Tuesday afternoon at North Carolina Central University. Thompson climbed a ladder to the top of the statue to tie a rope around its neck before the crowd tore it down

    Thompson is charged with disorderly conduct by injury to a statue, damage to real property, participation in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500 and inciting others to riot where there is property damage in excess of $1,500.

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