“On Stupidity” – IOTW Report

“On Stupidity”

h/t JNT.

26 Comments on “On Stupidity”

  1. “If stupidity got us in this mess, how come it can’t get us out.”
    ― Will Rogers

    Unfortunately, Congress has willingly embraced this thought and put it in action by funding more failed Social programs.
    Obamacare is a good recent example.

  2. I’m afraid today’s SJWs are far more lethal than described above. They are a potent combination …….. stupidly malicious or maliciously stupid. They’ve taken it to a level never even conceived by Bonhoeffer.

  3. ◾ Ever have a boyfriend/girlfriend / spouse utterly stupid? ◾

    The “settled disputes” are never settled. It’s Groundhog’s Day soon enough. Probably not more that 48 hours later, you throw up your hands and exclaim,
    “We JUST went over this like, 2 days ago! Remember we were both mad and we came to an agreement not to do ______ again? Well you are doing it again!”

    “See, you keep yelling at me!”

    “Because you keep doing that thing you agreed not to do! Stop doing that and I’ll stop yelling!”

    Oh lord. I learned as soon as I discovered the person was repetitively stupid, I cut the relationship like ripping off a band-aid. “Why? Why are you doing this?”

    “Just get the hell OUT!”

  4. “The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”
    ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    What a fascinating man. I had to look him up. Sadly, executed by the Nazi’s in 1945 for resisting.
    Thanks MJA for introducing me to this man.

  5. Bonhoeffer was a good and upstanding man. When I try to reason with most people who are on the left today his opinion on stupidity springs to mind. When I see the main stream media push and encourage the PC thought and actions that destroy history they don’t like and anyone who they think opposes them – I think of the the terrible refrain often spoken by people who choose to be ignorant of history when they say – “how could the German people allow such evil to take over their government and country”…

    And yet the same people who say this think nothing of a main stream media who name as racist, bigot, homophobic, misogynist, Nazi, KKK supporting, xenophobe – any and all who opposes the demoncrat party and their antifa brown shirted thugs in the streets.

    If you have ever wondered why no one stood up to oppose the evil Nazi’s before they took power, simply read the history of Mr Bonhoeffer, or just look around today and notice how few are the men who stand up against the thought police who operate throughout or government, schools and media.

    If you wish to see a member of the popular culture become a appalled and angry juvenile, simple disagree with the current PC belief, if you wish to see them become unhinged and start hurling insults and personal attacks simply have facts and data that supports your argument. When this is the average response of a typical adult, then we are in a very bad position as a country.

    “Life is hard, it is harder if you are stupid”

    MSG Grumpy

  6. Well, I had to go look up who this guy was… and WOW. How did I miss him during my education? (Silly question.) One of his quotes…”A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol.”..now there’s a mind bender.

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