Actress Battles Nazi Elves in NYC Over The Weekend – IOTW Report

Actress Battles Nazi Elves in NYC Over The Weekend

For someone who says she is broke and owes the gubmint back taxes, she sure manages to jet around the country with those craaaazy eyyyes!

Actress Alyssa Milano is a self-proclaimed leader of the anti-Trump “Resistance.” She doesn’t actually do anything besides sending out absurd tweets, but the Resistance is kind of like that. While real SJWs were in Charlottesville, VA battling real neo-Nazis, Milano didn’t want to be left out, so she found some in New York. I’m not kidding when I say she claims to have taken on some “Nazi elves” in the name battling all things Trump.   MORE

SNIP: If she has anyone that really loves her, they wouldn’t let her act a fool like this for attention. How embarrassing.

[ Funny as hell, though. ]

8 Comments on Actress Battles Nazi Elves in NYC Over The Weekend

  1. she took her kids out of the store while her valiant husband rearranged the Elves into less offensive poses

    Wow! I’d heard of fairy circles. But that’s the first time I’ve seen an elfin daisy chain.

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