UK: Muslim who made rape video of his wife told cops that everything he did was acceptable in Islam – IOTW Report

UK: Muslim who made rape video of his wife told cops that everything he did was acceptable in Islam

Jihad Watch: A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “If a husband calls his wife to his bed [i.e. to have sexual relation] and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning” (Bukhari 4.54.460).

Another hadith attributes this to Muhammad: “By him in Whose Hand lies my life, a woman can not carry out the right of her Lord, till she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on a camel’s saddle” (Ibn Majah 1854).

Yet Inspector Paul Young of the Rape Investigation Team says: “This sentence sends out a message to people who think they are outside the law with behaviour which cannot be excused by any community or religion and we will, where we can, take forward a prosecution without a victim to protect that person and the wider community in which these people live.”

Has Inspector Paul Young of the Rape Investigation Team really studied Islam and discovered that this man’s actions “cannot be excused by any community or religion”? Or is he just indulging in wishful thinking? Hmmm, which could it be?  MORE

7 Comments on UK: Muslim who made rape video of his wife told cops that everything he did was acceptable in Islam


    The Crescent Moon has always been an occultic symbol, and the accompanying “MORNING STAR” you see on flags is Luciferian.

    Isaiah 14:12
    How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    It’s also explained (occultic signs and symbols) here:

  2. Remember those 15 Morrocan muzzie teenagers that screwed that rabid donkey? Well, they all got rabies and none of them can be cured, their symptoms went unchecked. That’s 15 muzzies that won’t be raping anything ever again, and the muzzie in the story might get raped himself in prison. I love a happy ending.

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