This is what pushing back against the charge of racism looks like – IOTW Report

This is what pushing back against the charge of racism looks like

ht/ c. steven tucker

20 Comments on This is what pushing back against the charge of racism looks like

  1. Exactly. If youre apologizing and explaining then you’re losing the argument. You have to go on offense and that means pointing out how violent and hateful liberals are. Shouldn’t be that hard since a Bernie supporter tried to mow down half the GOP congress about a month ago

  2. The Republicans we put in office had both houses of congress for 6 years of the Lawless One’s usurpation of authority, and they could not stop his agenda.

    Now, with full control including the White House and the ability to move on a conservative agenda, the good Senators and Congressmen are even less visible.

  3. For years we’ve fought the left using logic and fact-based arguments while the left has argued “feelings” (and as we were all told, feelings are never wrong, they just are). We were taught not to judge others. All the while, republicans ceded the moral high-ground to those who accused them of being racist, bigoted, homophobes.

    As Shapiro says, calling someone a racist with no evidence doesn’t make them a racist, it makes the caller an asshole.

  4. It’s funny, really.
    I didn’t vote “Republican;” I voted for Donald J. Trump.

    Haven’t given the maggots at the NRC money in 9 years (or their House and Senate scams) and have no intention of resuming such, until they start to do something positive FOR ME.
    If they’re not helping President Trump, then they’re hurting me, America, and Western Civilization.
    I expect that from the Traitors in the Demonrat/Bolshevist Party but NOT from the Republican/Mensheviks.

    izlamo delenda est …

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